Prepare for disappointment.

Nothing is as it was 25 years ago. You won't get that feeling back. Even just the habits of watching media, and all the other mechanisms that surround this, will make for a different experience. Prepare for disappointment.

That said, as time marches on, as we age, we become familiar with disappointment. Disappointment doesn't mean a bad experience. It will be exciting to see the New Twin Peaks, whatever her form. We'll minimize the disappointing feelings, and make ourselves glad.

My shoulder is here to cry on.


I completely disagree. I fell right back into the old comfortably weird rhythms of Twin Peaks like it never went away. LOVED IT!


So you watched the original series when it aired and now watched this one (Where? How?) and it was like it never went away?
I call bullshit. :)


Agree to disagree. Loved the vibe of the new season. Flows very much like the original season 1. S2 was a little rough, but was still enjoyable.


The first three episodes were strange but by the fourth episode the original tone of it had returned. I liked it.


How are there already four episodes? Didn't it just begin to air last night? (I don't have a TV.)

So if one can sit there and binge 4 episodes in one night.... that's one more way this is not long experiencing the original.


Yeah I recommend binge watching the four episodes. I saw the four episodes over the internet. You know, where there's a will, there's a always a way. 😉

What I found though was that Episode 1 was really long as it's really both Episode 1 & 2, so Episode 2 is just a repeat of the half part of Episode 1.


They aired the first two and the aired the second two on uk direct tv.


gentey, they were strange, but 'pleasantly so' imo. I can't wait for the fifth episode! I think that's when we'll get to see Sherilyn Fenn.


I'm rooting for Heather Graham.


Holy jumping George! DEPUTY Bobby Briggs, looking better than ever! Lucy and Andy having a nut job son named Wally Brando, a biker and wannabe deep thinker with a lisp. David Duckovny / Denise in all her glory, the great Albert Rosenfeld (may the road rise to meet your wheels, dear Miguel Ferrer). From episode 4, I am definitely on board!


It was sad seeing Miguel, knowing he won't be in any future TP seasons.

I laughed out loud when I saw Duchovny.

Can't believe Bobby is police! Now James I could see but Bobby???


Sad indeed to see Miguel. Such a loss, for him personally, but also for us who admire and love his character in TP. I re-watch season 1 as we speak, and treasure every moment with Albert.

Denise is hilarious, and I just laughed when she had a word with Gordon about him and very young attractive female agents. Gordon: I'M OLD SCHOOL!


I know I should have seen it coming that Denise would have been the one entering the room but I didn't and it was so funny. Just loved that scene. I think Gordon must have better hearing aids though as he isn't as loud as he used to be.


Wally Brando was RIDICULOUS! 😆


Well it is Twin Peaks....

I think it is a testament to what a great show it was that so many actors and actresses clamored to get in on the new season.

Richard Chamberlain
Meg Foster
Robert Forster
Jennifer Jason Leigh
Jim Belushi

to name a few...


Yes, they just kept coming, didn't they? Ashley Judd, Naomi Watts ... This is promising! May we soon be united with many of our old friends from earlier seasons. For pie and coffee!


When I saw Richard Chamberlain I thought, that looks like him but nah, it can't be! lol


I'll put my hand up and eat my earlier words....four episodes in and LOVING IT so far. I think Lynch and Frost have really succeeded in recapturing the 'magic' of Twin Peaks. Bravo! 👏


I think they have struck the perfect balance of old style Twin Peaks with modern day programmes.

I love how they end each episode with a different band in the roadhouse.

I just wish they would base more of it in Twin Peaks itself is my only grumble (well, that and we still haven't seen Audrey yet).


Yes, totally agree with you, it's a old school meets new school balancing act.

Considering it's a very long season, I'm sure they will be more in Twin Peaks a few episodes down the line, they are just slowly taking us there.

The end of episode 4 has set it up nicely for us to see Audrey in episode 5... [spoiler]as I'm sure Cole was referring to her when he said they should test Copper (Bad Cooper that is) with her [/spoiler].


[spoiler]Heather Graham isn't listed in the credits for S03 so it can't have been Annie that was being referred to, so must be Audrey. Hope they end up together in this season.[/spoiler]


Unless it's just one big secret and suddenly we find she is in it, which would be great.


Possible. I was going by IMDB's cast list, which also lists many cast members also only starring on one episode.


I just hope they haven't recast her. For example, who will Amanda Seyfreid be playing? Probably Shelly's (Madchen Amick) daughter, but who knows. I guess though Amanda is too young to play Annie.


I read ages ago she was going to be in it so she hasn't been recast, but IMDB doesn't list her.


Yeah, they only list the actors as they appear in the episodes, in order to keep the mystery of who they are playing I guess.

I now think that in Episode 5 Diane, Cooper's secretary, will be the one making an appearance [spoiler] and she was the one they were referring to and not Audrey, when the agents said they should take her to the prison. [/spoiler ]


I was actually wondering the other day whether they would introduce Diane as a character for this season



Ep. 4 started to go in a Mark Frost direction, and I winced when they had all those B actors in the police dept. conference room.
But Wally Brando saved it.


I wonder if we'll be seeing more of Wally Brando in future episodes. I hope so.


Ah, the days of innocence. When everyone was along for the ride during the first four episodes, delighted to see some of the old characters ("Where Are They Now?") and excited to see where the new characters might lead. Enjoying as Lynch started to open a box of intrigue. lol.
