Pinjetre's Replies

He did not? I was so sure Snoop and Chris confused Bodie, so he didn't see Michael coming from behind, to shoot him. Too bad, since it turned out to be a brilliant thriller with many layers, beautifully shot. Agree. There will always be logical problems when the story is about time traveling or if you are dead or in a coma - like "Life on Mars" and "Ashes to Ashes", in my opinion extremely great shows! I think you need to go along with the story in some part even if you feel they might deceive you. Did this make sense or what? By the way - happy new year! In Norway we are still 5 hours from the big time, but yet, people are celebrating already. 2018 will bring more interesting quality series to watch, and anyway, there are always books to read or interesting blogs. Bring it on! I have to take it easy this night because I have a tiny young Savannah kitten. Don't want to disturb him with party party. This is really the golden age of television series. Much more interesting than movies. And European series have really taken off - not only the outstanding "Line of Duty" and "Happy Valley", but also less famous "Sorjonen" and "Ennemi public". The pleasure of streaming services! What did we do before? We had to wait for series and movies to be released on DVD. From «Dark»: Notice how much more harm than good Ulrich does, in his desperate search for his lost son. And how the characters change, at least in my opinion. First, I had sympathy for Jonas's mother, but this should change. The hotel lady also changed from cold and unfriendly to someone I cared for. Charlotte Doppler was a wonderfully exciting investigator who was willing and openminded enough to suspect something was seriously off with this little town. Not to mention her charismatic, eccentric little daughter! I absolutely have to rewatch "Dark" in a year or two, and hope that if they make a new season, they still keep the magic alive. Highly recommended! And pay attention to small, beautiful details like the friendly chemistry between Jonas and Mikkel the fatal night the kids go out in the wood. The other teenagers treat Mikkel rather badly, but Mikkel seem to have genuine affection towards Jonas, and this is one of the great things to me, knowing the full story of the truth about connections when the show explain everything in the end. Agree, it's a great show, very impressing! I had to binge it twice just to spend some more time with the characters. If you look closely, there's a small Norwegian table flag sitting on a commode in the dining room of family Nielsen. Mads/Mats, Mikkel and Nielsen/Nilsen is not only Danish names but also Norwegian. Yes indeed, Ulrich has prominent cheekbones just like Mads Mikkelsen, but I think that's where the similarities stops. Maybe the longest baby blues in history? Giving birth to Wally Brando himself must have made quite an impression on the sensitive little woman. Bobby was truly fond of Laura, but he started an affair with Shelley when he still was going out with Laura. It was a messed up situation with Laura, Bobby, James, Shelley, different men, and evil BOB lurking in the background the whole time. A much much more interesting and dangerous combination than we are used to see in the typical teenage angst/emo/horror movies. Me too: Hello Shadow my old friend! I've come to talk with you again. A damn fine shadow it is, folks! And I really hope they treat us with more of Wally Brando, the deep thinker. That was absolutely crazy! They doted on him and would do anything for him, and there he sat on his bike, exercising his freedom of speech with absurdity after absurdity. The Other Sheriff Truman certainly was a patient man. Yep! A truly classic moment on Twin Peaks. Albert delivered many witty lines, and I agree with the comparison with Dr. House, early days. (Let's not talk about Trump now we had such a cozy quality time :-)) Albert became my hero after this little speech: Now you listen to me. While I will admit to a certain cynicism, the fact is that I am a naysayer and hatchetman in the fight against violence. I pride myself in taking a punch and I'll gladly take another because I choose to live my life in the company of Gandhi and King. My concerns are global. I reject absolutely revenge, aggression, and retaliation. The foundation of such a method... is love. I love you Sheriff Truman. The strange path of Albert. Long may the Giant be with us! Clinking coffee mugs! Cooper, no competition. Then the party of four, when, after the death of Leland, these fine men walked side by side on a path in the woods, absolutely shaken by the outcome of this case: Agent Albert Rosenfield, Agent Dale Cooper, Sheriff Harry S. Truman and Deputy Tommy Hawk. THAT was some potent manpower! When Umberto Eco wrote The Name of the Rose, he said it was on purpose that the introduction pages were so demanding for the reader. He did this to make sure that those who really wanted to read his book had the patience to get through the beginning. He compared this first reading by climbing a steep mountain. Those who had the strength and patience to climb all the way to the summit, would get their reward from there on. It may not sound completely true - all writers, musicians, filmmakers surely want as large an audience as possible? Still, I choose to believe that Umberto Eco really meant what he said. Season 3 of Twin Peaks may look something the same. Thumbs definitely up, with a foolish smile and a tie around my head! There's been a precious long time since I had such a good time, and also felt so lost, terrified and disturbed at the same time. Big smile, give me high five! :-)))))