MovieChat Forums > Broadchurch (2013) Discussion > Most annoying character?

Most annoying character?

I can't decide between Nigel and Olly.

My blog:


Season 1: Olly, by far.

Season 2: Bishop. Holy hell, she's easily one of the most thoroughly unlikable, rage inducing characters I've seen in a show in a long time. There's no way anyone in Game of Thrones can be that evil.


Claire was very annoying in series 2, but only partly because of her endlessly changing story. I think she wins over the others (yes, Mark is a self-absorbed tool much of the time). In fact, I found all of the scenes with Claire and Lee t/b ridiculous, especially the whole "passion" and "dangerous sex" angle. If that's the way the writers wanted to go, then why did they use a character who's about as hot as a demented chipmunk?


Bishop isn't evil, that's the point. She's doing a job in which nobility she doesn't believe, simply because she thinks everyone deserves his or her chance of a fair trial by virtue of possibly being innocent. Hence the story with Jonah , she doesn't want to fail someone the way people failed her son. I thought she was beautifully written. Abby on the other hand, is definitely nasty, she has no sense of humility or decency and doesn't care about the consequences of her actions, as long as she wins.

"I don't care what you believe in, just believe in something ! No matter what..."


First season : Karen, the journalist who comes to Broadchurch to get a flashy story. She represented everything I dislike about journalists (not a whole lot, but it was all in her character).

Second season : Abby Thompson. A spoiled girl with no professionalism, empathy or respect for people. She was the evil advocate, not Bishop.

"I don't care what you believe in, just believe in something ! No matter what..."


Joe. Watching him feels like watching a tree growing. Zero. It must be the most stressing point in his life, yet he is completely emotionless. And even, when he shows some emotions (like when they are sending him away from the town), it looked like they hired a random extra to play the part.

Jocelyn. She is just so displeased with everything and everybody 24 hours a day. Can't stand it.


I wholeheartedly agree that the journalist Karen was absolutely terrible. Detested her. And the defense lawyers in second season plus the whole Sandbrook bunch.

What I don´t understand is the hatred for Mark and Beth, specially Beth. Yes, she is lashing out, being unfair to many people, but remember she is walking grief, loss and pregnancy hormones in both season 1 and 2. In season 3 she is much more calm, compassionate and fair. Mark is a mess in many ways, and have serious need to process emotions and grow up. But they are good people, decent people with flaws and weaknesses.

Olly is a shit that lacks moral compass and conscience.


Beth drove me nuts this season. She was never my favorite in Season 1 either but somehow they made her more whiny and selfish. I don't know if it's the actress or the way the character is written but I would fast forward the scenes with her at times because she was just incredibly irritating. I'm meant to sympathize with her but I just wanted her go away.


Olly. Definitely Olly.

Once upon a time there was a magical place where it never rained. The end.


One more vote for Beth Latimer


Olly. Because he's a sniveling little sh!t. At least the actor who portrayed Nigel gave me some pretty good laughs with his bad acting.

It's still a great night! Still a great night.


Olly, no question. He seems completely void of any real morals or concept of family loyalty. His selfish actions absolutely played a part in the not guilty verdict. If there is to be another murder in that town, PLEASE let it be his!


Actually all of them but especially Beth was the most annoying one. I don't know why excatly, maybe because of her physical appereance or not convincing enough for her grieving performance who just lost her baby boy, her selfishness maybe. I can't emphasize how annoying it was seeing her on the secreen, she wasn't an "english bloom" though.
