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hitfan's Replies

Johnny Depp has lost the case and Trump has lost the election. Both men are disgraced and will be cast out of polite society. I have been vindicated, you Incel woman-haters. I shall now feast on your tears as I enjoy some camomile tea while listening to the Indigo Girls on compact disc. I for one would like to welcome our new female overlords. And if any of them would like to date a progressive and non-toxic male like myself, feel free to message me :) The world has changed. If you’re feeling nostalgic about a lily-white world with white men in charge, there is an entire catalogue of classic Movies that you can watch. In fact, there is a cable TV channel dedicated to this concept: TCM. As for myself and many others, I will enjoy seeing black and POC talent appear in films and entertainment as they provide their own interpretations of characters in settings and franchises that had previously been the domain held by whites. I would like to see Miles Morales becoming the permanent and main Spider-Man. He has breathed new life into the character. I watched it in 1996 and I thought it was great back then. I might watch it again now that you've posted here. I like the show and all that, I have quite a few episodes in my collection that I like to revisit from time to time. A new version would just draw comparisons to the original. But of course, I would watch it. Perhaps they might do something interesting in 2021 for the 50th anniversary. Well it has been two and a half years since the announcement. I heard about a one off revival called « Return To Frightenstein » with an all new cast who do an audio performance of the show on CD. The new show would need a major horror movie star to give it some gravitas. But where are the major horror stars of today? I never heard of the original, until I saw the trailer for the new one. I think blackwashing or racebending is great for a lot of reasons--be it for social progress, giving old characters a new look and personality, and just for the aesthetics of it. Admittedly, I quite enjoy the gnashing of teeth by the hardcore fans when it happens. But whenever you guys complain about it, just just come across as nauseating and whiney. And the main white witch does not hate black people, she hates children. Albeit, I thought the trailer almost alluded that she might be racist, but I think the punchline was part of the joke. It's like the 2016 version of Ghostbusters. It's unfortunate how the fighting over that movie became so politicized. I happen to be a big fan of the leading ladies involved in it, but in the end, the movie wasn't very good. It was a bad situation for everyone involved. So relax, you still have the original to go back to. If anything, this new version will bring attention to the old one which will always exist. My parents had it on VHS in the early 1990s and I decided to watch it. I love this movie. It's story about a struggling artist who is grieving the death of his best friend. My wife passed away shortly before I saw it, and I could identify strongly with Llewyn in that regard. I also lived in a hotel for several months after I had a fire in my home after her passing. I also struggled being unemployed and underemployed for a number of years afterwards until I had overcome this to rebuild my career. The scene where the club owner Bud Grossman rejects Llewyn after he plays a song for him reminds me of all of the rejections I had received when going for job interviews. My own life felt like it was at a standstill, going nowhere. The main song, "Fare Thee Well" is quite poignant and it makes me think of the times that I went through those years ago. The only unlikable character is Jean who has quite a nasty potty mouth. John Goodman is hilariously memorable. The Gorfeins are very kind. The performance of "Please Mr. Kennedy" is hilarious and provides wonderful comic relief. It's a highly entertaining movie and it's not as dreary and depressing as a lot of people describe it. I have a lot of misgivings about TROS. But Han's appearance was probably the est part of the movie. It gave redemption to Kylo Ren. The Ballad of Tam-Lin (1970) Maggie Thatcher was a milk snatcher! I think you’re being sarcastic. I for one welcome our new female overlords. I think Al Pacino was great and he looked great in this movie. And of course you can't but help think that you're looking at a Pacino performance when you see him in the movie. He is no different than Al Pacino, Jack Nicholson or many other famous actors who we pay to see basically play themselves on the screen. Not every actor can be a chameleon like Gary Oldman. Well, as an old “geezer” who saw Empire Strikes Back in the theatre when he was 6 years old, I will say that I liked Revenge of the Sith and the new sequel trilogy for the most part. I didn’t care much for Phantom Menace And Attack of the Clones because I thought they were poor films. But Star Wars is largely a pop culture phenomenon for Generation X. Does Star Wars need to evolve? I think that the original trilogy was the equivalent of lightning in a bottle. I do think Disney tried to make too many new SW movies and they should have released them every 3 years instead of every single year. I don’t believe you. You probably can’t even tell the difference between an ASR 33 and VT-100! Jar Jar Binks was the greatest character, ever. I apologize for my privilege! I used to post on on Usenet, you Millenial whipper-snapper! I don't think there is anything in this movie that diminishes the heroic actions of Luke and his father did in Return of the Jedi. That ending would rule. It’s brilliant on so many levels.