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hitfan's Replies

And a lovely body to boot! It's true that I like to yank people's chains. But she is attractive. You can't cuddle with her, she's mine! Yea, I do kind of enjoy seeing people argue after I post a topic that is sure to garner a lot of responses. I remember making posts praising Jar Jar Binks on the Star Wars forums 20 years ago that would get thousands of replies. Ah, the memories... I happened to have liked The Last Jedi myself (the scene with Yoda and Luke was great) but I can understand why some people didn't. And it did have its flaws. Going with that, can Star Wars be fixed? I really liked the new trailer and I will remain cautiously optimistic. The trolls are claiming that if you "go woke, then you'll go broke." But movies like Black Panther and Captain Marvel are woke and have broken box office records. So I don't buy that theory myself. But I did pose the question to further discussion. My take is that it is oversaturation (one new Star Wars movie a year) is what is killing the franchise. They need to seperate each release by a few years to allow them to breathe. I just watched this last night. I binge watch many horror movies, and I'm so happy to have discovered this rare gem. 9/10 I had Daenerys pegged very early on as a narcissistic brat. She was basically a spoiled child who had atomic weapons. I was called a misogynist for pointing this out. But I was right all along. Where are you now, Dany supporters? Yeah I get a kick out of yanking everybody’s chain. I like to imagine myself as a bad guy wrestler in my previous life. Why do you dislike Rey? It’s one thing to be critical about how her character arc is presented, but why is there so much criticism for having a powerful and inspiring female lead? Did Luke Skywalker really die? All we saw him do is disappear as he stared at a sunset. There was no killing blow that preceded that scene. Admittedly, I never really connected with Rey in the previous two movies. Sure, her action sequences were exciting but it just looks like stuff that happens. Heroic deeds on a movie screen should be like a piece of epic music—with the low and minor notes to provide the major lift to move the audience. I felt tension and excitement of what we saw Rey do in the trailer. So hopefully, the actual movie will have more of that. I hated, hated, hated Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones. But I actually liked Revenge of the Sith. So that makes me a traitor according to the diehard fans. I liked The Force Awakens. I thought The Last Jedi was flawed, but there were certainly some good parts (like the scene with Yoda). But it was certainly better than TPM and AOTC. There are legitimate reasons do dislike certain Star Wars movies. Episodes I & II were plainly, quite bad. Was "The Last Jedi" really that bad? I liked it better than Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones. And the scene with Yoda and Luke was very good as well. And nobody quite throws a temper tantrum like Kylo Ren. She was great. And she knew how to use a blaster fairly well. I think that "Solo" is going to Make Star Wars Great Again ! On Halloween day this year, I also watched Vincent Price's "Dr Phibes Rises Again" and "An Evening of Edgar Allan Poe". While I think that Movie Chat is great, I just want to say that I remember the IMDB boards being very busy durig Halloween time and everybody would talk about what they watched. It was practically a yearly tradition. The original boards were an invaluable reaource to talk about your favorite movies and favorite genres. The whole "we had to shut the boards down because of those evil trolls" is a lame excuse. I suspect that the movie industry didn't like their movies being discussed by their audience and hence put pressure on IMDB to shut them down. I do the same with most of Lynch's stuff. Who can really figure out Lost Highway? The point of it I think is that younsee something new every time you watch it and also be entertained. Tales of Terror.