MovieChat Forums > Doctor Who (2006) Discussion > I stopped watching Doctor Who after they...

I stopped watching Doctor Who after they replaced Tom Baker

I was 8 years old at the time and I was rather upset that they replaced the great Tom Baker with another actor.

I have quit watching the show ever since.


ever since then ive been hooked


Would you like a jellybaby?


They're really very good, you know.


You have quit watching the show ever since? 39 years of quitting sounds exhausting.

I recommend you quit quitting the show.


He was fired for voting Thatcher!
Did you get any dates from your Amber Heard posts?


Maggie Thatcher was a milk snatcher!


Me too! I was 9. But then I tuned back in around Matt's run and watched a few. I liked it enough to watch a few seasons and even go back and watch some of Eccleston's and Tennant's. About 1 in 3 of those episodes are decent. Then I quit again. Quality ratio not good enough.

No one beats Tom. If you want some cool Who from later seasons, good luck. Research of fan favorites reveals many episodes I hated and lacked some that I loved among those three Docs mentioned above.


Wow, the OP is stupid. I actually think that Tom Baker is overrated.
