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hitfan's Replies

The actress who plays her is actually quite attractive, but she was presented as being dumpy and wearing a potato sack. A great sentiment but Rey already bested Luke in a lightsaber duel on Ach-To, thus proving her female superiority over the male Jedi! When I posted this question 13 years ago, there wasn't much information on the web regarding the series. Thankfully, a more comprehensive episode guide is now on the Wikipedia page: So while the last original episodes were aired by 1986, the show ran in syndication until 1993. Now it all makes sense. Have a nice day ;) I'm actually a Chad in real life. I'm introverted and a bit socially awkward, but I get by on my looks. Hot girls will use me for sex, but then they'll break up with me shortly afterwards :( Now, that's the spirit! What are you talking about? I support WOMYN! I’m not a shill, I am an open minded white male who has adapted and embraced the ways of the modern world. Your type has been claiming that the end of civilization was imminent ever since women had earned the right to vote. And yet since then, the quality of life has only increased. As long as one gets to live and tell about it, then yes, it's great to have such experiences to talk about as anecdotes and interesting things that happened in your life. It's like when we have moments of great stress, a crisis, or adversity. At the time, it's not a pleasant experience, but if you overcome it, then you have a great story to tell if you come out of it largely unscathed. I might not agree with what you're saying, but I'll defend your right to say it. Wokeness is a great thing. Diversity is our strength, and all that. Diversity is the future of entertainment and it's about time that the producers of the show stopped worrying about casting a black male lead who will have white women competing for his affections. The general public will learn to accept and embrace it. What you find to be jarring is actually quite striking, and I think having people of color in historical dramas is a great thing. I disagree, I think it's great that historical films and TV series now have more people of color. It provides more acting opportunities and people will get used to it and embrace it. I agree. As an indie developer of computer fantasy role playing adventure games in the vein of Dungeons & Dragons and Tolkien, I finally introduced people of colour, not just as secondary characters, but they make up a huge portion of the main characters with one of the main leads being Black. I think doing this added a certain richness to the game world and helped me be more creative in terms of world building. Having more POCs in entertainment will revitalize the genres of fantasy and period pieces that are usually white from a creative standpoint, as well as attracting a broader audience. Our society is becoming more diverse as well and so it makes sense that characters and actors of colour be featured prominently. Personally, I think that coronavirus hysteria is way overblown. But I follow the rules about wearing masks when I am out in public. That being said, the government has the power to shut down the film production for which Tom Cruise, being a producer and holding a financial stake in the movie, has good reason to be concerned. So I think Tom Cruise has a point here. It's not so much the lives of people, but their livelihoods that are at stake. If you were of the same age as her when the show first aired, then it was fine to find her attractive. However, most of the show’s original fan base are middle aged now and if you still find her attractive, you are clearly breaking the law because she is underage in the show! Chris Hansen: have a seat... I liked this skit, more so for Adele not being able to stop bursting out laughing when she tried to recite her lines that contained innuendo and double entendres. I would like to apologize to you for being a man. I believe you, as I do all womyn. Trump has lost the election and the last gasp of the white male patriarchy is coming to an end. As a result of this, I shall now feast on your tears as I enjoy some camomile tea while listening to the Indigo Girls on compact disc. Have a nice day :) Johnny Depp has lost the case and Trump has lost the election. Both men are disgraced and will be cast out of polite society. I have been vindicated, you Incel woman-haters. I shall now feast on your tears as I enjoy some camomile tea while listening to the Indigo Girls on compact disc. I for one would like to welcome our new female overlords. And if any of them would like to date a progressive and non-toxic male like myself, feel free to message me :)