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hitfan's Replies

I haven't seen it yet, but I'm skeptical of the changes. I feel that the robot is an integral part of this movie, and it's unfortunate that it has been cut out. And there's no proper 10 count in the fight? I feel like this is a major oversight--I know that in real boxing referees will stop fights without administering a count, but this is a movie and the count in Rocky IV certainly adds to the emotional impact and provides a sense of finality. Hopefully, some fan editor with initiative will combine the best elements of both versions. There's 40 minutes of new footage and perhaps this can be recut into a proper 2 hour film. Sarcasm is the lowest form of humour. Listen, you ignorant Neanderthal: I am friends with this wonderful girl and once she realizes that the jerks that’s she’s been dating are no good for her, I will be there for her. Because I’ve told her many times that I am a proud male feminist and that I reject toxic masculinity. You male chauvinist incels have no clue about womyn. I was a big fan and I still remain a big fan of the original Spider-Man animated series. He brought the right balance of young innocence and maturity to the voices of Peter Parker and Spider-Man. For the 2004 DVD set, they had considered using his voice for the interactive menus but those plans fell through. He did record some Spider-Man voices for his official website around that time, however. RIP to the original only true voice of Spider-Man. And Adele & Rich Paul are both financially well off. U mad bro? You come to an Adele board to insult her because of her romantic preferences. You used an extreme example of a young woman from the working class to try to degrade generally healthy and loving relationships between white women and black men. I simply responded in kind :) And yes, I’m glad that WW2 turned out the way it did because it was a major setback against the forces of bigotry. The result set in motion a world that was going to become more diverse and multicultural. It simply irks racists like you that more and more white women reject white men in order to be with black men. Based on the vitriol that you’re spewing, I certainly don’t blame them! That young woman who is having mixed children with black men is helping make our world more diverse, so that is a good thing. That’s what World War II was about: to eradicate racism and making our world more free. And her preference for black men shouldn’t bother you because you would consider her to be undesirable, right? While white males reject women who are plus sized, black men are more than happy to be with them. And when they have children, they will be part of the future majority that are people of Color :) Adele is beautiful and talented at any size. But she looks great now. What do you have against white women who love black men? Yes, from a previous marriage. Harrison Ford needs to be in the movie in order to pass the torch to Phoebe Waller Bridge. In my opinion, this will make the franchise even better. She will be superior to Indiana Jones in every single way. This is great news. Phoebe is a very talented performer and she will do justice to the legacy of Indiana Jones. Read my earlier comment: “ Most homeless people are mentally ill or are drug addicts. They used to have mental institutions for people like these, but the bleeding hearts said that it is against their human rights to lock them and force them to take medication against their will. They found common cause with fiscal conservatives who wanted to save money on government spending. This is an example of so-called bipartisanship where everybody gets screwed from both directions except for the super rich.” I’m not attacking one political ideology while ignoring the other. This is a bipartisan clusterf*ck. I also checked out the show thanks to all of the controversy. There's a lot of anger out there about more diversity making its way into society and by extension, into pop culture. But I happen to like seeing more diversity and inclusion. I'm also looking forward to seeing more diversity in the new Lord of the Rings series that will be shown on Prime. I am glad you like the show! I still have to watch episodes 3, 4, and 5. If my post seemed a bit inflammatory, I'm just having fun with the anti-woke people. It just seems that they take up 90% of the noise, and I figure I could ruffle their feathers a little. It's time for popular culture to move ahead with the times. You are the one who lives in fear while I feel confident about the future :) (I can deadlift 400 lbs by the way--so maybe I am "progressive", but I'm definitely not a soy LOL) I'm also happy to see that Amazon's Lord of the Rings series will also be more inclusive by having more female and diverse characters as well. I actually did like the Last Jedi. It is my favorite Star Wars film outside of the original trilogy. It's unfortunate that Disney/JJ Abrams got cold feet and did not have to courage to follow through in the direction that Rian Johnson was taking the sequel trilogy. The Rise Of Skywalker is a jumbled mess. Methinks you're being sarcastic here. But I do enjoy seeing the tears of the manbabies and incels who get upset when their sacred pop culture puts a bit more emphasis on female and diverse characters. I didn't even know King Grayskull was going to Black--which I happen to think is a fantastic idea. I presume that he appears sometime after episode 2. That's even more the reason for me to continue watching the series! I only watched 2 episodes so far. I didn't detect any LGBT nuances. If you're referring to Teela and her companion, it seemed like a bond of friendship more than anything. Ha! I'll assume you were being sarcastic and giving me a humorous jab. I think Teela's hair looks great. She still seemed pretty feminine to me?