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TMC-4's Replies

I look at Licence to Kill as if you placed Timothy Dalton's James Bond in the middle of an episode of Miami Vice that was written like it was meant to be a modern day take on Akira Kurosawa's film Yojimbo. It isn't so much that the entire concept of the invisible car is ridiculous in itself (because how is that anymore silly than the main villain going from being a Korean man to a Caucasian Englishman), it's that the scientific explanation behind how it functions is poor. As explained here (go to the 18:51 mark): [url][/url] In other words, if you saw it in real life with the naked eye, it would probably be like looking at a video. Don't forget: Morgan was vile long before his Meghan Markle explosion [url][/url] Piers Morgan has a long history of hating Meghan Markle, dating back to when she allegedly "ghosted" him while he was married [url][/url] How exactly does Clark get his superpowers back? I know that in the Richard Donner cut, it's explained that Jor-El gave his remaining amount of energy to save his son. But in the theatrical cut by Richard Lester, Lara (or the holographic manifestation of his biological mother) tells Superman point blank that if he gives up his powers to be a regular person, then he can't get them back. It's a huge, huge plothole. The first season felt like it was made on the cheap. I read that Marvel for Season 1, used Wang Film Productions and Kennedy Cartoons for the animation. You can tell when Wang did the animation because they have a bright almost digitized look to them (think of the 1980s episodes of The Jetsons, when it was revived after early 25 years and many other Hanna Barbara cartoons of that time period). Meanwhile, Kennedy had a more rubbery and "dirtier" look to its animation. I read a comment elsewhere, that the Thing in Season 1 looked like how a rock creature would look like in a Tiny Toons cartoon. Dr. Doom and the Silver Surfer in particular, looked atrocious in Season 1: [quote][url][/url] The characters looked too stiff, especially the Thing. They would also make weird poses in-between a mediocre frame rate. More to the point, art-wise, the designs lacked detail, the colors used were bright and cheery, and characters continually went "off-model". For example, [b]Doctor Doom looked badly out of proportion, and the Silver Surfer looked like a walking piece of melted wax.[/b][/quote] 'Cancel culture has reached breaking point': Alec Baldwin shares 14-minute rant DEFENDING Woody Allen and sex pest governor Andrew Cuomo, saying 'you have to prove' sexual harassment allegations [url][/url] Lily herself appears to be aware about the Audrey Hepburn comparisons: [url][/url] Psychotic Taylor Swift Fans Continue Misogynistic Attacks on Random Video Producer / Writer [url][/url] [quote][url][/url] For the past 24+ hours, I have been doxxed & endlessly harassed on every social platform by Sw*ft stans. They found & contacted my personal phone and personal email & phone. Some left voicemails. The allegation that *I* am the one harassing is disgusting and dangerous.[/quote] Why doesn't Fox News show the racist Dr. Seuss images that were pulled amid its three days covering the "cancel culture" controversy? [url][/url] Thursday was the third straight day that the Dr. Seuss controversy was the "1A" story on Fox News. "The network has for days been railing against what it depicts as the latest example of 'cancel culture,' a condition in which oversensitive people, generally liberals, take great offense at something innocuous and cause that thing to be censored," says The Washington Post's Phillip Bump. "Fox News and its allies on the political right have focused on this purported scourge for months, encapsulating, as it does, both the opportunity to present the left as thin-skinned and to stoke the 'what is America coming to' sensibilities of its core audience. That example? A decision by the estate of children’s book author Dr. Seuss to cease publication of six books that contain racist depictions of African and Asian people. The Washington Post isn’t showing the images for obvious reasons, but they can be seen elsewhere. But you know who else has avoided showing the images? Fox News. Instead, the network’s coverage is heavy on B-roll footage in which cameras pan across Seuss titles seen on bookstore shelves. Here, for example, is how the books were depicted in a segment that aired on America’s Newsroom on Tuesday. None of the books shown there are among the ones the Seuss estate has pulled from publication. In fact, neither the hosts of the show nor the guest — Fox Nation personality Tyrus — appear to be familiar with the images themselves." ALSO: Watch a compilation of Fox News mentioning "Dr. Seuss." [url][/url] Jennette McCurdy Regrets iCarly and QUITS Acting [url][/url] [quote]#iCarly​ Jennette McCurdy recently opened up on her podcast about her dark childhood and sad life working on set of iCarly. The stories she share are unbelievable.[/quote] Val Kilmer's Tombstone co-star Michael Biehn, famously said: “People ask me what it’s like to work with Val Kilmer. I don’t know. Never met him. Never shook his hand. I know Doc Holliday, but I don’t know [Kilmer].” He respected Kilmer’s craft. [url][/url] Taylor Swift's "sexism" accusation against Ginny & Georgia is "pretty dumb," especially since she essentially made the same joke about herself [url][/url] Ginny & Georgia is a "pretty dumb" show, says Heather Schwedel of Swift's tweet accusing the Netflix show of being "deeply sexist" for a joke saying "You go through men faster than Taylor Swift." "So the idea of taking anything about this show seriously is a little ridiculous," says Schwedel, adding: "Big whoop, right? Calling this joke 'deeply sexist' is verging on ludicrous. Deeply sexist? To say that Swift famously had a lot of boyfriends? It’s a strange hill for her to die on—especially given how Swift herself has made her personal life a major theme in her music throughout her career. In fact, she made essentially the same joke Ginny & Georgia made herself years ago: Does the line 'Got a long list of ex-lovers' from 'Blank Space' ring any bells? Granted, Swift is right that the joke is lazy and dated; it’s not remotely sharp in 2021. But then close-reading her tweet further, the accusation of 'degrading hard working women' also reads strangely—what does 'hard work' have to do with this? And then, does Swift really believe Netflix owes her something just because it released her documentary, Miss Americana, last year? And then: 'Happy Women’s History Month I guess.' Uh, indeed? This show debuted in February, and it’s likely Swift got wind of the apparent unflattering reference to her before Monday—did she hold off on posting this tweet until the first day of March so she could really wallop us with the Women’s History Month connection? It’s not like Women’s History Month is a particularly sacred time when it’s worse than usual to take swipes at women; in my experience, it mainly exists as a theme for elementary school book reports." Jennette McCurdy dashes hopes of an iCarly revival return, confirming she quit acting and is "embarrassed" by her past roles [url][/url] "My experience with acting is, I'm so ashamed of the parts I've done in the past," the 28-year-old McCurdy said on her podcast Empty Inside. "I resent my career in a lot of ways. I feel so unfulfilled by the roles that I played and felt like it was the most cheesy, embarrassing. I did the shows that I was on from like 13 to 21, and by 15, I was already embarrassed. My friends at 15, they're not like, 'Oh, cool, you're on this Nickelodeon show.' It was embarrassing. And I imagine there's a very different experience to be had with acting if you're proud of your roles, and if you feel fulfilled by them." Amid Taylor Swift's Ginny & Georgia spat, Antonia Gentry is getting harassed over a "throwaway line" [url][/url] Gentry has received a barrage of harassment on her Instagram account after her character Ginny's joke that “you go through men faster than Taylor Swift" to her on-screen mom Georgia on the brand-new Netflix drama went viral over the weekend. The joke prompted Swift fans to get "RESPECT TAYLOR SWIFT" to trend, a line repeated numerous times on Gentry's most recent Instagram post from Sunday. On Monday morning. Swift responded by slamming not only the show, but Netflix, which showed her Miss Americana documentary last year. "Hey Ginny & Georgia, 2010 called and it wants its lazy, deeply sexist joke back," Swift tweeted. "How about we stop degrading hard working women by defining this horse sh*t as FuNnY. Also, @netflix after Miss Americana this outfit doesn’t look cute on you (broken heart emoji) Happy Women’s History Month I guess." Netflix has yet to comment on the controversy. "Several things can be true at once," says Ashley Reese of the controversy. "One truth is that Antonia Gentry, the 25-year-old actor from Atlanta, Georgia, in her first semi-major role, didn’t write the Taylor Swift line, and attacking her in the name of Taylor Swift is not feminism, it’s being boneheaded online. Another truth is this: Taylor Swift’s love life has been the center of both tabloid fodder and entire album cycles for the majority of her career. She has made a point to both poke fun at her reputation as a chronic dater and object to the media’s fixation with her relationship status, a fixation that has hounded her since her teens. That Swift is unhappy about a line poking fun at her multiple relationships is her prerogative. Plus, she’s right in saying that the line was outdated: Using Taylor Swift’s love life as a punchline would have been right at home in a script from 2014, but 2021? We also could've gotten Sam Raimi. [url][/url] [url][/url] [quote]The makers of Mortal Kombat: Annihilation should probably have taken that result to heart and skipped killing Johnny Cage entirely, but that's sadly the route they went. It's that creative decision that led to Linden Ashby declining to return to the role, for quite understandable reasons. He was offered the chance to return for the sequel, and was open to it, but upon reading the script, is said to have balked at the fact that he would get such a brief amount of screentime, and that Cage would go out in such an underwhelming fashion. In hindsight, he definitely made the right choice, as not having Mortal Kombat: Annihilation on one's resume is a blessing.[/quote] Jordan Knight from NKOTB also implied that Kirk is a self-hating gay man and his homophobia is a defense mechanism. Jordan understandably, would have a dog in the fight since his brother, Jonathan is openly gay. [url][/url] [quote]His statements angered another heartthrob of the 1980s, New Kid On The Block Jordan Knight, who only had this to say on Twitter in response: "Seriously Kirk?" Jordan, whose fellow New Kid and brother Jonathan Knight came out publicly last year, later added, "Get right with yourself on the inside... Ya won't have to take the fight to the world.. #justsayin."[/quote] If Kirk Cameron really is gay, it would perhaps, explain why he flipped out as a teenager and turned into a hard-right fundie. [url][/url] [b]253. ENTERTAINMENT LAWYER 02/25 **2**[/b] [url][/url] By the end of this year, we will hear more about the beginning of the end as it pertains to this foreign born former A/A- list mostly movie actress (Emma Watson). She was never the greatest actress, and was more of a name, but she realized early on that she had enough in the bank to not have to play the Hollywood game. She got lucky as a tween/teen because the projects ("Harry Potter") she was working on, the higher ups were more interested in molesting the boys than the girls. That one project ("This Is the End") which nearly broke her was with the disgraced actor (James Franco) from an acting family and his frequent partner in crime (Seth Rogen). Along with the actress/serial rapist enabler, they made our foreign born actress miserable and did everything they could to break her and get something on her. They tried drugs and they tried sexual harassment. When she didn't break, she knew her days were numbered in acting. She got very few roles after that and was so scared of another experience like she endured that she welcomed not getting as many offers. [i]Emma Watson/"Harry Potter"/"This Is the End"/James Franco/Seth Rogen (Emma Watson is not retiring from acting, manager says)[/i] [url][/url] [url][/url] [b]267. ENTERTAINMENT LAWYER 02/26 **5**[/b] [url][/url] The showrunner fired from a reboot of a former children's channel was fired because he refused to play the "ship" game. There are two possible "ship" outcomes and he thinks the fans who focus on that shouldn't be. The powers above want the focus to be on that. Maybe, instead they should focus on why they are rebooting the show in the first place and how it screwed so many people over as tweens/teens and they can't function correctly as adults. [i]Jay Kogen/"Nickelodeon"/"iCarly" ('iCarly' Reboot Co-Showrunner Jay Kogen Exits Paramount+ Series)[/i] [url][/url] Singer Glenn Medeiros: 'Sexual favours were the norm in music industry' [url][/url] [quote][b]Singer Glenn Medeiros has revealed how he and other artists were often asked for sex by music industry figures in return for help with their careers.[/b] Medeiros, who found fame with Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You in 1988, said he turned down "many offers" for sexual relationships but others agreed. "You saw it everywhere," said Medeiros, who now runs a school in Hawaii. "Would it have led to me being more successful in my career? Potentially. But I wasn't willing to do that." He said: "I had friends who specifically said, 'I am going to be moving in with this person because this person is going to be helping me with my recording career.' "I've never done it and I do feel proud of that, but at the same time I can understand why some other people did. I remember talking to some of my friends who said, 'The person's attractive and I like them anyway, so it's OK.'" After spending four weeks at number one in the UK with his debut single, the heartthrob topped the charts in the US two years later with She Ain't Worth It, with Bobby Brown. However he left the music business in the mid-90s to become a teacher and is now president of Saint Louis School in his native Hawaii. "You hear things about the #MeToo movement and that was such the norm when I was in the music industry," he told the podcast Celebrity Catch Up: Life After That Thing I Did. "Unfortunately most of the females and some of the males I met - it literally took them having to have relationships with others to be able to get to the top. "I'd even talk to the artists about it and they'd say, 'Hey, you know what, I've got to do what I have to do.' For me, I never took that approach."[/quote]