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TMC-4's Replies

[url][/url] [quote][b]Alrighty Then! 'Ace Ventura 3' in the Works at Amazon With 'Sonic the Hedgehog' Writing Team Attached[/b] Spank you very much for this good news, Morgan Creek. Get out your best Hawaiian shirt and pink tutu because Ace Ventura 3 is officially in the works at Amazon. In an announcement no one saw coming, the production company behind the first two original Jim Carrey-led Ace Ventura films, Morgan Creek, revealed they were developing a third installment with the streaming platform. Morgan Creek sat down with Park Circus for a special spotlight piece, when they so nonchalantly dropped the news of another ride with everyone’s favorite pet detective while discussing what's next for the company in the months ahead. When asked about what upcoming projects were coming up, the Morgan Creek team revealed the jaw-dropping surprise, telling Park Circus, "We’re pretty excited about our franchise developments with 'Exorcist' and the 'Ace Ventura' franchise - its noticeable from the 3 million fans chatting on the official Facebook page for Ace Ventura that audiences are clamouring for a third installment… During COVID, audiences have been in love and are thrilled to have beloved characters brought back with new stories. Ace Ventura will see a new day at Amazon as a major motion picture/theatrical with the Sonic the Hedgehog writers. It looks like Carrey will be teaming up again with writers Pat Casey and Josh Miller yet again after their work together on Sonic last year. Sonic the Hedgehog 2 has already begun filming, meaning Ace Ventura 3 might be Carrey’s immediate project after that film wraps so fans might not have to wait too long. (That is, if Carrey does come back for a third movie, which has yet to be confirmed.) But hey, if it’s not out by next year, we're happy to just wait longer.[/quote] [url][/url] [b]168. ENTERTAINMENT LAWYER 03/17 **2**[/b] [url][/url] Reader Blind: You probably forgot about him- *that was the goal. But, you do know of him. This comedic actor was no less than A++ (Chris Tucker) for what one could sum up.. a good decade. He was in some of the most quotable movies -if you watched any of his sleeper hits; others, international box office, blockbuster gold, you laughed. And you may have forgotten about him until maybe one of those silly movies appeared on your tv. And you can’t help but think, "hmm, he was really funny...whatever happened to him?" Well, he’s popped up briefly and *nervously? or, just a bit "different"/ bloated? and *less funny? from time to time, in press or shows - but never in too big of a way. (Filmography) Some say he disappeared because he had a bad agent, others claim he had a scoundrel accountant who robbed him blind and gave him major tax issues. Many say he was hooked on drugs, couldn’t handle fame, gave too much money away to family, etc. etc. But, on occasion, he’s even claimed he found, *"religion". Well, if he ever wanted to make his potential in box office owed-money back, he should write a religious book or do a tell all interview about one, particularly infamous, wild, and crazy flight/trip he took to another country and suddenly found, his "religion". (Or even a tell all about a belated eccentric/creepy A+++ friend he was acquainted with, could be pretty interesting, too.) But, there was a brief, yet *now somewhat famous/infamous trip where some extremely A+++ celebrities/ powers who were in attendance and misbehaving. So he saw much too much, then, knew too much, and there are claims he actually thought he witnessed "THE Devil". Soon after this *trip, his life and career changed drastically. He was "influenced" upon returning home. His Hollywood deals, canceled. [url][/url] [b]170. ENTERTAINMENT LAWYER 03/17 **4**[/b] [url][/url] This former A+ list child actress turned A list celebrity had a bender last weekend which is unlike anyone has seen her do in over a decade. This isn't good for her. [i]Drew Barrymore (Look at Drew Barrymore’s Dirty Feet…She’s Wearing a Mask While Walking Barefoot in NYC)[/i] Since you like to go at me for posting some "random links", I would like to share with you this pertaining to how Polanski faced up to five accusations of sexual assault against a child: [url][/url] If you don't care about the case, then why are you here!? And what do you mean who are you to judge...? The man point blank, committed rape by use of drugs, perversion, sodomy, lewd and lascivious act upon a child under 14. How would you feel if Samantha Geimer was your daughter or your sister? Then you would give more of a damn. Instead of attacking me and my posting style, why can't you face the hard truth, that there's no if ends or buts when it comes to "judging" Roman Polanski. I don't have time for your bullshit, if you aren't 100% against what he did. And if that makes me a so-called "Millennial" with poor reading and comprehension skills, then I rather be that, then a statuary rapist. And if you imply that he faced a very prejudiced judge, then that by design is a way of you defending him (since you apparently feel that he didn't get a "fair trial"). You have to be a fucking idiot to support Roman Polanski! It's pretty open and shut that he drugged and raped a 13 year old girl and then fled the United States to escape justice. If you agree with literally everything those people have to say and feel that Polanski has gotten an unfair shake, then just say so! Was Teasle really a villain in the traditional sense? Teasle struck me as more of an antagonist (i.e. an obstacle or irritant for Rambo, but not somebody who deserves to be killed), who was more prejudiced than out and out evil or malevolent. If anything, Officer Galt was the more true or pure villain in First Blood. [url][/url] I guess that I would compare Teasle to somebody like Lt. Gerard from The Fugitive, in which he would clearly be the main hero/good guy in another story. This can also be said with Aliens, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, The Road Warrior (Mad Max 2), and The Dark Knight. [url][/url] [url][/url] [url][/url] Report: Sharon Osbourne would use racist and homophobic slurs on The Talk, calling Julie Chen "slanty eyes" and Sarah Gilbert "p*ssy licker" [url][/url] Journalist Yashar Ali cities a number of sources, including former The Talk co-host Leah Remini, who allege that Osbourne would use racist and homophobic slurs on set. Osbourne would call the Chinese-American Chen "wonton" and "slanty eyes" and the lesbian Gilbert "p*ssy licker" and "fish eater," reports Ali. He also reports that Osbourne had her lawyers send Holly Robinson Peete a cease and desist letter for Peete's tweet accusing Osbourne of saying she was too "ghetto." As Variety pointed out, in a 2012 interview, Remini alleged that Osbourne called her and Peete "ghetto." Ali, citing "11 sources who spoke to me in 2018 and again in recent days about remarks Osbourne has made over the years," adds: "Though Osbourne has spoken abusively for years with little to no consequence, she’s facing significant scrutiny for the first time in her career as a TV personality. The Talk has been put on hiatus as its co-hosts past and present air grievances on Twitter, and Osbourne is threatening at least one of them with litigation. But sources say Osbourne has a long history of racist language and bullying and it’s time she owns up to it. Ali's report comes as CBS is investigating The Talk after Osbourne's defense of Piers Morgan led to an emotional episode last Wednesday. The Talk is taking a brief hiatus and is expected to return with live shows on Wednesday. UPDATE: CBS has extended The Talk's hiatus to next Tuesday following Ali's report. Meanwhile, Ali has posted video Osbourne referring to Remini as "ghetto" on The Talk in 2011. Why the hell should I value you're damn opinion if that's the best that you can come up with!? A brand new Facebook group: [url][/url] [quote]Deborah Norville wore a red Estelle silk crepe de chine shirt by Stella McCartney, Iriza black leather heels by Christian Louboutin, a black pencil skirt with a back slit, dark black pantyhose, a cultured pearl three-strand layered necklace in sterling silver, and tri-color triple circle dangle earrings.[/quote] Before you call me an assclown, why don't you explain to my why and how he didn't do anything wrong!? A: The story goes that a long time ago, a young actress got a call from her agent that there was an audition for the character “Vasquez” in a movie called “Aliens”, and that she out to go there and try it out. So she did, dressed up according to 1980s Hispanic sub-culture fashion, thinking that it was a film about Hispanic immigrants. She got the part, but the script changed slightly, with an additional line for Bill Paxton, in honor of her audition. This goes back to Ben Affleck asking Michael Bay why can't the NASA and the US government just train actual astronauts to be oil drillers instead of the other way around. And when Bay was confronted by how needlessly risky it would be send a crew of roughnecks into outer space (after of course, hastily training them), he told Affleck to "shut the f up". I just came across this Reddit post that argues that Brandon during his tragically brief career was a more charismatic and wide-ranging actor than his dad, Bruce was. [url][/url] Ann Adeling is Supergirl in Moscow [url][/url] I always think Gates McFadden's "MILF-vibe" in the "Naked Now" episode, where Dr. Crusher unzips her Starfleet uniform and tries to seduce Captain Picard. [url][/url] [url][/url] In a nutshell, we traded this beautiful redheaded woman in Beverly Crusher favor of a crusty, "Space Karen" in Dr. Pulaski. [url][/url] What Michelle Trachtenberg Is Up To Today [url][/url] WWF Wrestlemania 11 Review | Wrestling With Wregret [url][/url] [quote]OHHH OHHH, Celeb-a-Mania! Brian Zane breaks down one of the worst WrestleManias of all-time, loaded with celebrities and crap matches![/quote]