MovieChat Forums > Superman II (1981) Discussion > When he hikes back to the Fortress of So...

When he hikes back to the Fortress of Solitude after being beaten up by the truck driver and finds the glowing green crystal ....

One of the most powerful moments in all of the Superman movies. And one of the most subtle too. We don't actually see how the crystal repowers Superman. We just see him walk over to the crystal, the amazing Williams music slowly building as he does so, pick it up, and then a close up of the crystal just before the scene ends. We don't see anything more ... but we know something amazing is about to happen.


I think it's more powerful when Superman learns the cost to his relationship with his father.


How exactly does Clark get his superpowers back? I know that in the Richard Donner cut, it's explained that Jor-El gave his remaining amount of energy to save his son. But in the theatrical cut by Richard Lester, Lara (or the holographic manifestation of his biological mother) tells Superman point blank that if he gives up his powers to be a regular person, then he can't get them back. It's a huge, huge plothole.


It's a huge, huge plothole.

It's not a plot hole at all. Lara tells supes he'd be powerless not for his benefit, but for ours as watchers. There are at least three possibilities that allow for supes getting his powers back without it being a plot hole.

1) Lara simply misled supes about the reversibility of the transition to make sure he knew the ramifications of the choice and didn't make it lightly.

2) The transition to mortal may have been *virtually* permanent, although a small chance existed it was reversible and she didn't mention that possibility or didn't know.

3) Lara simply didn't know it was reversible.

Considering supes was the first Kryptonian to become a super being on another world, it would be likely that the science of his powers wasn't completely understood.

What never made sense to me is why supes had to lose his power to marry a human.


I think this was postulated on in "Mallrats" and has to do with Supe's "load"


LOL, let's not get too graphic!!!


Its probably best to try to enjoy the movie as is, instead of trying to nitpick with plot holes


Who hijacked your account Mills!!!!!
