Prelude's Replies

It's called nesting mode and personally I think it's great; it makes it very visibly clear who is replying to whom. In straight mode I've seen people often get confused and ask if the last reply was aimed at them. In "nest" it's clear if it is or not. Because Colin Needham is a fucking little shit, that's all. But thanks to the people who kindly took the trouble to archive and revive the posts to places like this one, we still have a lot of those discussions. They do seem to have pandered to that, yes. Am I completely mistaken in recalling that she DID sleep with Quinn a couple of seasons ago?? I can't be bothered to look it up but they DID hook up at one point. There was a kiss out by someone's car, at the very least. And I'm pretty sure they spent the night together following that. But it didn't work out to be a lasting relationship. Is this something everyone's forgotten or did I get it wrong? This isn't currently, this was way before he got taken and poisoned. By the way, the poor woman isn't a "whore" just because she's had in indiscreet history with her sexual decisions. Plenty of men live that way and nobody calls them a whore for it, even though it's dubious to say the least. As for sleeping with Quinn *now* -- no way. The guy is a mess psychologically, the last thing anybody needs, including him, is to make things more complicated. Free movie lending in libraries seems to be the case in the USA, but not in the UK. In the UK, libraries usually have only a small selection of movies, and they actually charge a rental fee; no free lending like books. I actually agree with this -- the end of the movie should have been the two men walking over the bridge, and Claire Forlani seeing them and understanding. Having Coffeeshop Joe come back and probably have to explain to the family why he's actually Bill Smith or something is going to be ridiculous, and we the audience are left thinking that too. Also, she looked positively disappointed! He's such a goof. Even though that's something she liked in the coffeeshop, it wasn't what she fell in love with with Death Joe, who had a completely different personality, full of gravitas. She's not going to be into Coffeeshop Joe now after all that. Eehhhh I dunno. I've actually seen the same type of accident with my own eyes, when I was fifteen I saw another teenage girl get struck by a car the same way, and I can tell you, it wasn't funny at all, it was shocking and frightening. She landed on her back on the ground and I was the first on the scene and stayed with her until an ambulance came. I never knew whether she survived or wound up in a wheelcahir. She wasn't moving at all even though she was conscious and crying. i've never forgotten seeing her accident. I was also hit by a car though not as badly struck. It's not all that much fun and laughs. . . So years later when I saw this scene it didn't make me laugh one bit, no. She was incredibly annoying! Trying waaay too hard to show "Look, I'm acting! Look at my face show every passing thought in my head and then some! I'm gunning for that Oscar if it kills me, dammit!" But we are more than just our "nether regions pulsing." Part of the civilized contracts we make among ourselves involve not just acting on every impulse. If a person *wants" to act on every impulse, don't agree to a monogamous partnership with one person. Nothing wrong with that, but if you're married and committed and just going with your nether regions might disrupt your family bonds, a magnetic Frenchman isn't going to make you just thrwo that to the wind (literally in this case, lol). I get that sometimes people do things "just because," and if they didn't, there wouldn't be stories to tell and movies to make. But in real life you make more conscious choices. Besides, personally I didn't find Paul all that alluring. I can see objectively why he may be considered by most women to be irresistible, but some of us think differently. Personally I'd be more tempted by a clean cut nerd with a nice nature and a good intellect, but that's just me. The gig wasn't "So far away from home" -- it was a two hour drive, as even her daughter Kate pointed out. In case you have a distorted idea of distance and time, that's *nothing.* BUT SHE DID. They weren't six months old went she decided to do a few gigs. They were grown-ass teenagers who even she admitted make her feel like she's no longer needed as much. She did exactly what you say she should do, for fifteen, sixteen years, and is now doing a very short bar tour, not going worldwide with Beyonce! Get a fucking grip. I'm appalled at the WOMEN on this board who are telling other women -- fictional ones at that -- how to be a mother. She DID do what she was meant to do. She did put aside her own dreams, we saw this in the finale episode. Yes, because how dare she ever pursue the dream she had postponed and set on the back burner for FIFTEEN YEARS while she raised not one but THREE screaming kids while managing to be a loving and thoughtful wife and mother. . . . . Sorry but this woman had teenagers by then. I see absolutely nothing wrong with her finally going after the very thing she SET ASIDE for her husband and children. She gave up music for Jack. Now she has a chance to give it a shot. It's only a short bar circuit for crying out loud. Men in marriages do this stuff ALL the time. Get real. You're colossally sexist and that's sad because it appears you yourself are a woman. Nice. I mean, it's funny, I was really liking this show, until I think that season finale just kind of turned something in me. I lost respect for the show. All of those scenes really were just the most base manipulation and "Woah, woah, woah.....ooooh fooled ya!!" It started to feel like an annoying uncle doing a party trick. I instantly resented this show because of that finale's party tricks. And they had my respect and interest up until then. I'm not sure what the discussion has become here. I thought you were saying to the other guy "Why use a credit card if you can already afford to pay for whatever it is using your actual cash" (or a debit card if the purchase is online) I was saying the same thing. I don't understand why, say, someone wants to buy something for lets say $50. He knows he has a lot more than $50 in his actual checking account and all his living expenses are covered. But he pays using a credit card then pays off the $50 almost immediately (or at least within the grace period) thus avoiding interest fees. But what's the point? You put something on your credit card then go home and almost immediately use $50 of your bank balance to pay off your credit card purchase? I don't see the point in people doing that. That's the main thing I was posting for. If you have the money to pay off the balance almost as soon as you even incurred it, why involve the credit card at all? It seems stupid. I'm not sure but I think banks protect you if your debit card is stolen and you report it asap. Even if the person wipes out your checking account supposedly the bank will cover it -- isn't that standard? I'm sure I've read that in every Terms leaflet that ever came with my debit cards at renewal time. A decent bank will restore your balance since it was lost in a criminal act. You don't need literally a credit card to shop online -- that's what debit cards are for. They perform the same function -- a card with a number -- but it comes directly out of your bank balance and in that sense is "paying cash" because it's not credit, it's literally directly debited. I ask the same question -- if you treat a credit card like cash meaning you only use it for an amount you know is already in your bank to pay it off with within the same month, why not just use a debit card? Those points you earn can't be all that lucrative. I miss it badly. In the place I live now, there are no physical, bricks and mortar video stores at all. And Subscribing to things like Netflix would run me into trouble because unlimited data plans for internet here is too expensive, I'm on limited data usage per month, and streaming all the movies I'd like to rent a stream of would hit me with horrendous overage fees. It's happened already. Online streaming is not an option as long as there are data capped internet services and it's all some of us can afford. I feel the opposite -- I'm pretty pissed off they didn't show how he died but just teased and teased. Deliberate tease to show him getting into a car drunk, (now we're all expecting the inevitable crash to seal his fate). Oh, okay, he made it to the club. Now we're seeing Mandy Moore take the wheel (so now they are BOTH in the crash but only she survives). . . nope, they both made it home. Seriously, the writers made a morbid person out of me, as they had done so much leading-up to revealing his death and so much teasing scenarios that I'm sitting there ghoulishly thinking "This is THIS is it's going to be this...." Horrible. Very frustrated with that finale. The writing strung us all along, what with the big scene of Kate saying okay here's why it's my fault, then the scene of her telling her dad to just go to Mandy's gig -- and then that night is NOT what killed him. TERRIBLE writing. Nothing but a tease. Yep, it could have been totally understood by a jury, crime of passion, not premeditated, etc. But, if he had done that, the movie would be over in forty minutes, lol! [laugh] Are you kidding? Edward was incredibly affectionate! He showed her he adored her! All those loving looks, smiles, gazing at her with a smile until she's going "What?" and he just smiles and tells her she's so beautiful -- jeez louise! If that ain't the ideal hubby I don't know what is! That man adored his wife and showed it. They had a great marriage and he was completely in love with her. If she was bored that was on her, and not him. The writer maybe could have MADE Edward act bored himself, be less loving, then maybe we could say justifiably that we get why she cheated. But the writers actually made Edward a warm and attentive husband and father, making it even harder for us to understand why she was bored enough to stray. Personally I wouldn't be bored with what she had with Edward. I do agree with you though that being in a relationship or marriage IS a huge responsibility. You make a moral contract with that person to give your all to making a good life together. Not enough people really think about the moral obligation to their other person.