MovieChat Forums > Unfaithful (2002) Discussion > If he just confessed right after he kill...

If he just confessed right after he killed him and didn't try to hide...

the body, etc. he would have been given manslaughter, and with his clean record, and the circumstances, prosecutor would know a jury would be sympathetic, and most likely he'd be given a plea for like 3-5 years, and have half of that suspended for good behavior/probation.


Also could've used "Sudden Heat of Passion" as a legitimate defense.


Yep, it could have been totally understood by a jury, crime of passion, not premeditated, etc.

But, if he had done that, the movie would be over in forty minutes, lol! [laugh]


It was a textbook 'crime of passion ! '


Seems he got off better than 3-5 years. He got away with it


Maybe... maybe not...

The ending was left ambiguous. Did they park and enter the police station? Or did they continue on to Mexico. We are left to decide. (But in the deleted scenes/alternate ending, he does indeed go into the police station...


Oh I never even put that together. I don't see how if he kept his mouth shut they'd ever prove he did it. Guess he feels guilty.


He definitely felt guilty. He was a good man. A good human being.


His wife was shitty




True, but, this was posted 8 months ago on IMDb. So this poster will not get any notifications about our replies and there is no way for us to change the subject line. :(


If he didn't turn himself in... the PI knew about the affair. Not that a body in a rug in a land fill in NYC is breaking news, but it's very possible he might have heard about the murder of the guy he was investigating. If he did find out about he would probably have gone to the police and told them about the affair. Plus, Connie and Edward were such terrible liars to the detectives. I've never seen anyone I knew to be lying do such a lousy job of it. Bad acting? The detectives had to have known they were lying and could have followed Connie around and gotten her prints off of a dish in a coffee shop or something. Then they would have found her prints all over Paul's apartment.

Just wasn't a very riveting or believable movie to me. Also, the Windy City snow globe being given to Paul as a gift from Connie? She's going to give an anniversary gift from her husband to the guy she's screwing behind his back? I don't think so. Only a sociopath would do such a thing, or someone who HATED their spouse and had spite in mind. She wasn't portrayed that way, and so it made no sense. It was just a vehicle to move the story on and give an added push to Edward's rage.

I remember when this came out Lyne, Lane, and Gere were on Charlie Rose bragging about how great all these stupid little details from the film, such as when Lane puts the jawbreaker in her mouth and how that just oozed sexuality, lol. Rose was like, wow! You three really think this film is great. I've never seen anything like all this praise you're giving yourselves. haha! It went right over their smug heads.


Her prints and DNA were all over his apt. Gere cleaned up some, but not thoroughly. He was very messy in that apt.
They parked at the police station. I believe he turned himself in. No, they didnt jet off to Mexico. They both knew they couldnt. For a brief moment in the car, they held on to each other as if they were on that beach in Mexico..but selling the house and leaving would have alerted the police, who were suspicious anyway.

I actually felt bad for Paul. It really wasnt his fault at all. He was decent to Gere when he came into the house. Offered him a drink, and was pretty honest with him.
And yeah, that snow globe... when it was revealed that it was a gift from Gere, that didnt seem credible. She wouldnt have done that. Nope, that didnt fly with me. All in all, I love Lane and could watch her for hours. Shes a fine actor, and she has a great face. She steals every scene.
