MovieChat Forums > Homeland (2011) Discussion > Why the hell won't the whore Carrie slee...

Why the hell won't the whore Carrie sleep with Quinn?

Seriously? Carrie is a loose woman, and probably has STD with all the strange men she has intercourse with. She lays with every man she comes into contact with. She lays with men to manipulate them sexually. Unrealistic that a slutty woman wouldn't also hook up with Quinn.


Carrie is a different woman than she was at the beginning...But it's clear that she has had and still has intimacy issues and separates physical sex from love. No different, really, than many other people. Most particularly some men.
Women can be that way too.

She used sex to get close to Brody and had no intention of falling in love with him. But he got under her skin..Maybe broken people are her Achilles heel since she's pretty broken herself..

She's sure not going to dive into anything with Quinn given she ran from him back when he was a whole person mentally and couldn't handle the pressure of his feelings for her. And now it would just be irresponsible. She has no idea how Quinn would react right now. He's too vulnerable.
Maybe if he gets a little more lucid...and in control... and she doesn't think the act is making him any promises she can't keep.
But I really doubt they'll give us or Quinn a Carrie and Quinn coupling. Too bad.


I have to say I felt bad for Astrid tonight.. Quinn did get her killed by taking out the bullets from her gun.


Am I completely mistaken in recalling that she DID sleep with Quinn a couple of seasons ago??

I can't be bothered to look it up but they DID hook up at one point. There was a kiss out by someone's car, at the very least. And I'm pretty sure they spent the night together following that. But it didn't work out to be a lasting relationship.

Is this something everyone's forgotten or did I get it wrong?

This isn't currently, this was way before he got taken and poisoned.

By the way, the poor woman isn't a "whore" just because she's had in indiscreet history with her sexual decisions. Plenty of men live that way and nobody calls them a whore for it, even though it's dubious to say the least.

As for sleeping with Quinn *now* -- no way. The guy is a mess psychologically, the last thing anybody needs, including him, is to make things more complicated.


It is really too bad that posts from the original IMDB, as I take
this one to be cannot be deleted. I suppose there is a topic to
discuss about this character, but this post is ignorant.
