MovieChat Forums > This Is Us (2016) Discussion > Really Rebecca? Really??

Really Rebecca? Really??

A tour with a band? Announcing it on the very night Jack plans this incredibly romantic night to show you how much you mean to him. What a jerk. Selfish,insensitive, unappreciative.

Kate. Like mother like daughter. Run Toby run. You can do much better.


I agree, I'm beginning to dislike her.


I too was surprised at this after Rebecca gave that speech to the bandleader about how hard Jack worked In addition to supporting the activities of 3 teenagers. I got the impression that she had no intention of leaving her family to travel with the band.


I wouldn't go anywhere if I had a hubby like him.


Rebecca is so self consumed it's ridiculous. No wonder Kate is such a mess


Just like her kids are. They are all modeled after her. Only Randall took some of Jack. The other two are totally Rebecca's kids.


I agree that the timing sucked. But, she didn't say she was going. She said she wanted to go. A completely selfish, insensitive person would have just announced that they were going and not given their spouse any say in the matter.


All I was wondering was doesn't she have a right to pursue HER dreams?? Yes, she has a great husband but why should she not be allowed to try to make the best of her singing career? She does have talent. It's a sticky thing...but good marriages work it out. Jack could enlist the help of someone or maybe this is what drives them apart ultimately.


When you're married and if you want it to SUCCEED, sometimes sacrifices are required. You can't always do what you want unless your spouse is a doormat.


That's why I was basically thinking we need to see the rest of the conversation before we start jumping all over characters. I don't even think she has any of the details yet, but important things to consider are how long is this tour, if long is there time off for visits, or will it be close enough at points for Jack and the kids to come see her, how much does it pay or will it end up costing them money, and what are the kids' issues at this point and are they things that Jack can handle on his own long-term?


I think she has a right to pursue her dreams, but in marriage you have to compromise and there are always sacrifices. You can't always do what you want to do, without thinking of the consequences for your spouse, and especially for your kids.

I can't believe she would even consider doing something like this. (Or maybe she thinks because the kids are older, that it won't affect them as much.)

I think she has every right to pursue a singing career, but maybe there's other options, like taking gigs that aren't so far away from home, etc.

Yep, I think that's what will cause problems... if she goes.


And why does she marry Miguel? I don't know why but I don't care for him. I am curious as to how long after Jack's death do Rebecca and Miguel get together.


The gig wasn't "So far away from home" -- it was a two hour drive, as even her daughter Kate pointed out.

In case you have a distorted idea of distance and time, that's *nothing.*


All I was wondering was doesn't she have a right to pursue HER dreams?? Yes, she has a great husband but why should she not be allowed to try to make the best of her singing career?

BECAUSE SHE'S A MOTHER. I say this as a mother. Yes, women should have their own careers and lives, but they need to work with their spouses and with their families. Not plow over everybody and everything to get there. When my kids were born I left behind a 60+ hr a work week and pursued a new dream and a new career that allowed to me work from home. The kids won't be little forever. When they're grown and gone, then I can return to 60+ hr work weeks if I so choose (which I won't).

Like it or not, when you become a mother you need to think about the kids and your spouse as well as yourself. There needs to be a healthy balance between mother, wife, and self.




It's easy to say you can go back to that later but it never happens that way. If you give it up for twenty years until your kids are grown, you will never get it back. A marriage, children and a family belong to both of you and both of you need to sacrifice to make it work. The woman should not have to lose her whole identity to be the mom.


I wish there was a like button for your comment, anbmom!


The woman should not have to lose her whole identity to be the mom.

Actually, many times you do have to do exactly that. The same goes for fathers. The world is full of men who traded their dreams to work jobs/careers they absolutely hate simply because they need the pay and benefits to help support their family.

As far as wanting to be a touring mother is concerned, I am reminded of something that Stevie Nicks once said. When asked if she felt she had missed something by not having had kids she replied that, yes she had always wanted to have children, but she had decided early on that she could either have a normal life (with kids) and give up the career, or have the career and no kids because, as she said, "you can't be a good mother and a rock star at the same time."


Kompressor Fan:
The thing is,though, there are both mother and fathers who are rock stars (or just regular rock musicians) who in real life have managed with both careers and families (and talked about that in interviews) so that's not always the case. it's just that Stevie Nicks herself felt that she couldn't handle both, and that was her choice. The world is also full of both women and men have given up certain things in their lives to become parents---it goes both ways across the boards. And with so many people finding non-traditional ways to work---like working at home on a computer, and any other way they can make it work, neither parent always has to give everything up to be parents of lose their complete identities in the parental role--there are so many more options workwise today.



They weren't six months old went she decided to do a few gigs. They were grown-ass teenagers who even she admitted make her feel like she's no longer needed as much.

She did exactly what you say she should do, for fifteen, sixteen years, and is now doing a very short bar tour, not going worldwide with Beyonce!

Get a fucking grip. I'm appalled at the WOMEN on this board who are telling other women -- fictional ones at that -- how to be a mother.

She DID do what she was meant to do. She did put aside her own dreams, we saw this in the finale episode.


You should look up what Mandy Moore's parents tweeted her after last night's episode. It's quite funny & interesting for those who didn't like what she told Jack. Apparently neither did her parents.


Here's a link for anybody who doesn't want to searching:


I'm surprised that no one has mentioned that Rebecca ex boyfriend is in the band. That has a LOT to do with Jacks apparent frustration. On the road, tight quarters, probably sharing some rooms in certain cases. This isnt,a Beyonce tour. This is a local band getting moderate paying gigs at best. Probably in the budget for everyone to have their own rooms. The strongest marriage would have a skeptical spouse in this situation.


I agree.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar and doesn't.


Her children are teenagers by this point, I would think they could handle their mother living her dreams for a couple of months.


Yes, because how dare she ever pursue the dream she had postponed and set on the back burner for FIFTEEN YEARS while she raised not one but THREE screaming kids while managing to be a loving and thoughtful wife and mother. . . . .

Sorry but this woman had teenagers by then. I see absolutely nothing wrong with her finally going after the very thing she SET ASIDE for her husband and children. She gave up music for Jack. Now she has a chance to give it a shot. It's only a short bar circuit for crying out loud.

Men in marriages do this stuff ALL the time. Get real. You're colossally sexist and that's sad because it appears you yourself are a woman. Nice.
