beauq81's Replies

"Lonely girl" scene always cracks me up just thinking about it. Only people who are absolutely comfortable together can up with gold like that. The show was never truly bad. It kept us watching for 15 years (me for 11, because I started during season 5). But, comparing to what it was... What kept it alive was mainly the chemistry between the main cast. You could see that they felt comfortable and just had fun with it, good or bad. It's not that he looks pretty, it's that he clearly isn't 30 yo.. Every pilot episode starts out like that. Off the top of my head, Castle's was like that, Supernatural, Lucifer... Doesn't mean it will be bad, doesn't mean it will be good, just that it needs to develop. I agree with Bella. The hatred also comes from the fact that, after a bad season lie that, you can't really come back, it becomes part of the arc and you can't avoid it, especially since the Leviathans are supposed to be among the biggest baddies there are. It was meh... But I liked the premise. Hire really good writers, a good cast and one could make a really good movie or TV series out of it in lieu of John Wick. I don't think you noticed, but he only killed a few law enforcement. Injured and maimed them, but hardly any kills. I tried to keep track of it. He killed the unit Westwyld sent to the second facility and the ones at the mansion, but mostly avoided the cops. The movie was also a remake. This, actually, has more in common with the original, than the movie. You do realize that the movie was also a remake? The funniest thing is that the christian church took Zeus as a model for representing their god in the pictures. It was the 80s. People were more practical. Short hair on a small child meant quicker washing for the parents. And, at that age, boys and girls look alike. People thought my brother was a girl because he had curly hair. I don't think there is, really. I think they blacklist themselves by trying to insert their own beliefs and values into the work they are being hired for. She is. it wasn't her looks that doomed the movie. I, actually, never found it that bad. It had everything it needed, it was just poorly composed. My thought exactly. Berkley if objectively prettier, but Gershon... Religion would be a part of it. Theocracy feeds on paranoia like the realm does in the movie. I quit watching mid season 2, it kinda went the way of the mid90s shows, got boring. I'll probably finish it now, if they're ending it. In a hot air oven, it takes about 5 minutes to bake a bun. Given that this is a professional kitchen, it is likely that they already have some fermented dough on stand-by. If not, baking powder does the trick. Takes about 10-15 minutes for a skilled baker in a professional kitchen to make a quick bun. She is sort of a female Doug Jones. Good to put a mask on, fairly non-descript. She is athletic, so most of her parts did require a lot of physicality. Her career will wane down as she gets older and she can't do stunts. "Abuse" is a relative term when it comes to practicing something to perfection. Kobe Bryant said that he used to get up at 4 AM so he could have one training more per day than his teammates. Someone would call that self-abuse. Same for Ronnie Coleman, who was one of the greatest bodybuilders - he can barely walk today. Ballerinas ruin their feet practicing. Beyonce's father used to make her run around the block while singing full voice. It all depends how much you are willing to try and sacrifice for your goals. And all of them had trainers and teachers who pushed them. Are some of them abusive assholes - of course. Abusive assholes often create the best, because they care more about the goal, than comfort of their student. And being a great jazz musician usually means you are a great musician - period. They are some of the most versatile and proficient artists. Popular music of today is, essentially, simplified jazz. I heard about the books because of the movie, too. Read them before it came out. I knew they were going to ruin the movie for me even more than I expected. :) Never heard of Mark Bolan, I'll check them out.