MovieChat Forums > Fatal Attraction (1987) Discussion > Was the daughter a Transgender???

Was the daughter a Transgender???

Michael Douglas keeps reminding the audience that the little boy on screen is in fact his daughter…..multiple times.

But every time we see the daughter she is wearing boys clothes and has a boys haircut.

Is that why Michael Douglas wants to sell his nice downtown place for a ratty house out in the country? So he can afford gender reassignment surgery for his daughter?



I thought she was... 'boyish'


The actress who played the daughter (Ellen Latzen) was actually surprised she got the part. It was just a crazy idea her mother had to take her to the screening. Ellen once said that most of the other girls trying out were all dolled-up to look super-cute. But the director wanted someone plain who would not draw too much attention.


There used to be normal, heterosexual girls who wore jeans and had short haircuts. They played with the boys, climbed trees, etc. They were called "tomboys" and they grew up to have normal lives. Now girls like that are channeled into transgenderism by groomers on social media and at public school.




Young people should be able to live their truth. It's theor right!


No. Definitely not. She was in Christmas Vacation and had long hair. So.... Not the same point you are making but just some info.


It was the 80s. People were more practical. Short hair on a small child meant quicker washing for the parents. And, at that age, boys and girls look alike. People thought my brother was a girl because he had curly hair.


No one thought the way Zoomers think in 2024 over a girls hair being short like was accepted in 1988.. Only in 2024 would people think she's a boy and drag all this abnormal transgender crap into it
