beauq81's Replies

He seems like a decent actor. The "whiny bitch" part was bad writing, he simply did what he was told. He was a bad choice in regards to his martial arts prowess. He did have a double for any acrobatic scenes, where his face didn't show, but the worst part weren't the actual fight scenes, it was the parts where he did his forms alone. It showed that he, not only has no martial arts experience, but is no athlete at all. Everything he does is just plain weak. I hope he trains harder for season 2 and the Defenders. Any work will show. My point exactly. Most of it was either the writing or his inexperience. We'll see how they spin it. Time travel, healing... We'll see how he does in The Defenders and s2. David Carradine got better as Kung Fu progressed. I wasn't questioning him, he did the best that he could. I'm saying they should have casted someone else. They addressed it nicely in the last episode. Me, too. Finn Jones needed more training. It is too obvious he is not a martial artist. He's stiff when he should be soft, soft when he should be hard and just too robotic. IMO, Luke Cage was better than Daredevil. They went a bit overboard with black pride speeches, but the acting, photography, music - everything was better. I'm not saying Daredevil is bad, just that Cage was better. The best thing about DD2 was Bernthal. Like you said - he nailed it. It was a very cool episode. In a way it is a nice summation of previous seasons and of where the journey has lead them.