beauq81's Replies

I think the point of the movie - and the real shock value - is that the baby was Jesus and she smashed his head in. I have no idea how this got approved. The first two 'Zillas and Kong were good enough. GvsK was meh, but passable. The Monarch series is actually pretty decent. How someone gave an OK for a franchise killer like this is beyond me. She is an immortal being with nothing but time on her hands. She's bored. And she does go out and kill people, have you not watched the movie? Why not? Dogs will die whether she has them or not. They don't have the scientists to perform the procedure. That, at least, was set in the future It's a horror movie and it doesn't get much more horrific than catholicism. Go to any church. Eiza would have been the hottest 5 years ago, but, after what she's done to her face... Now the fact that all she did on the show was try to look sexy, that's another story. It was a bit mushy, but, overall, it was good, actually. The only thing that truly annoyed me was Eiza Gonzalez. Some people just don't understand the charm of 80s/90s action catchphrases Yeah, but that was suicide from guilt. She was manipulated the old fashioned way - by her loved one. They were made to look like suicides No, Torched. Wordplay, my man They weren't suicides. Tatiana (or someone else) killed them. I agree with you to a point. Like you said, I, too, like the original, but it isn't a masterpiece to be left alone. Still, this was a wasted opportunity for me. It had the premise, the core story was good, but the execution... Most of the characters are annoying AF or, at least, so bland that they are forgettable - starting with the two main female characters. I mean, come on, you have to go the extra mile to replace Kelly Lynch in her prime. The kid reminded me of Jeremy Black in The Boys from Brasil I think that it gave us just enough insight. I don't remember the exchange exactly, but I believe she tells him that there is nothing wrong with giving the audience what they want, but that her work did require a lot of research and that it was based on real conversations she'd had and has real life footing. It is a good movie, but the problem with these kind of movies is that you watch them once and maybe once more to see what you missed the first time. Like The Sixth sense. The story is not the same, but the manner of satire and the way of criticizing the society... The ending is pretty much the same, the way they end up catering to the public needs. By the end, reminded me of <link></link>