Kawada_Kira's Replies

Military? Writer? Politician? Natural death? Born 1900 or later? Born in Europe? Born 1800 or later? Currently living? Born 1947? Involved in the film industry at all? Yeah the books are a lot better than the movies. The movies changed a lot and left a lot out. I think the first two movies were best, closest to the spirit of the books, but the third movie was a huge disappointment to me because it really butchered the story of the third book (I think the director never even actually read it, just had it summed up for him by somebody). The later movies weren't as bad but they never really recovered for me. I found most of them pretty forgettable. But I love the books and always have. I've never read Louisa May Alcott (not that I wouldn't; I just haven't), but I've read J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter books and I already know I love them, so J. K. Rowling. Knife cut to the leg. 12 Angry Men? The Usual Suspects? Monty Python? Them's fightin' words. >:( Oh God just shut up and go away you rancid hemorrhoid. I haven't played in a while but I've found it kinda sad to see how this game hasn't been as active as it used to. The only reason I haven't been playing is because I haven't watched many movies in the last year or so and I haven't really had anything to use in the game. I'll have to get to watching movies again so I can have something to add. I read the books when I was a kid and I loved them. People have such a tendency to underestimate children, both their intelligence and their capacity to handle anything scarier or more serious than Teletubbies. I had mixed feelings about the 2004 movie, but it definitely has its good points. In addition to the things that have already been mentioned about Jim Carrey's performance and such, I always found the musical score of the 2004 movie to be quite memorable and fitting for the story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JoBnHYKcCRU Man I wish I'd seen this movie when I was a kid, to get the full effect. I was 9 years old when it came out, but I never actually saw it until I was 21. I think this post puts the finger on part of what I like about this movie: it has none of the common horror cliches that are a dime a dozen. No jump scares or suspenseful music or anything. Just a great portrayal of three people slowly circling the drain while under attack by something they never see and can't understand.