Kawada_Kira's Replies

I don't find it boring. I rewatch it every year around Halloween and I always enjoy it. First time I saw it was in 2011 when a friend recommended it to me. I checked it out, loved it right away, and my opinion of it has never diminished. I see a thousand times more people bitching and moaning about "wokeness" than I see of the "woke" people they're complaining about. I think you hit the nail on the head. The problem isn't with movies being long, it's with certain kinds of movies, these blockbusters that are all carbon copies of each other and rely way too much on CGI. Great point about binging TV series too. It's not the length, it's the quality. If a movie is just CGI and spectacle, without a great story to back it up, it's not good quality, it's boring and forgettable. That's why nobody even really remembers Avatar despite it being touted at the time as a guaranteed epic because its budget was the equivalent of the GDP of a small country. Just throwing money at something doesn't make it good. It makes it wasteful. Man I remember the first time I watched Breaking Bad. I don't think I've ever binge-watched anything quite so hard. I also binged The Man in the High Castle pretty hard too, to the point where I actually got kind of exhausted and needed to take a break from TV for a couple days. They were great stories. When the story is good, it doesn't matter how long it is. I've never actually called the cops. I've called the emergency line for paramedics and firefighters before, but never cops. I'd take the slow dance. It's different for everyone I guess. I'll be glad when my dad is out of my hair, he's a horrible person and he's made my life miserable as far back as I can remember. Not my mom though. I mean we've had our issues but I don't want her gone. Hmm. Living with my dad for that long would be pretty close to unbearable, but if this scenario would mean that my mom would be cured of the disease she's currently dying of (as otherwise it's highly unlikely she'll still be around in 3 years), I'd take it. Even without the money. I loved that show when I was a kid. Good times. Looney Tunes character? Created before 1960? First created before 1990? Originates in television? Animated? Human? Yeah I've noticed that and it kinda perplexes me to be honest. It seems to me that games used to go at least a couple hours later than this, but have been stopping earlier and earlier over time. I don't know if it's something to do with winter and daylight saving time or what. Originates in a book? Character originates in a movie? Hey you gonna start the next game? I wasn't able to play earlier but I have some time now. Ordinarily I'd go with option 2; unpleasant though it would be, it would be less unpleasant than that alternative. I'm not homophobic, but I'm not gay or bi either. However, my financial situation is desperate enough right now that it just might tip the scales over to option 1. At the least I'd have to give it serious consideration. Would depend on who it is too. Born in the Holy Roman Empire?