USAFMXOfficer_2015's Replies

Volley did you see the vertical cliff that is IMDb's activity since Feb 20th..... If you've ever seen the Lucille Ball clip of her working in the chocolate factory....that is Jim right now!!! Yes, I visited it once!!!! TO DELETE MY ACCOUNT OF 15 YEARS!!!! AND IT WAS GREAT WATCHING IT FLUSH DOWN THE TOILET!!! "The Hitcher".....Rutger Hauer as the bad dude is just freaking awesome..... Jim Smith has to be like Lucille Ball in the famous Chocolate Factory scene, right? I mean talk about one extremely busy dude!!!! Very good estimates....I am with you on all of it.....just shaking my head at FF8 being projected for over $1B worldwide. I've seen the trailer and let's just say I am underwhelmed.... ....oh one more thing, if SW8 can get $2.3B it will put the entire SW franchise over $10B total all time, worldwide.... Yes, I raise the average age of moviechat users several years... OPening day with 10 people? Where do you live, Greenland? Moviechat by far! Imported much of old IMDb content.....easier to use, cleaner interface.....IMDB2 is confusing, and TMDB is even more MovieChat has Jim!!! "Born Free" (1966) , I cried at the end.... Otter, totally sons and i caught it 2nd viewing on Sunday. It was even more epic 2nd time....only about 10 people in the theater so we could really enjoy it. And AGREE - I am still torn but think that R1 space battle may overtake ROTJ space battle as the best in the SW universe I was there....a huge wall of flame approached and consumed all of IMDb....kind of like this, check it out..... IMDb, what is that? Yes....yes.....THIS WILL WORK!!! All hail!!!! They need the women from the beach...they have the automatic and semi-automatic weapons and appear to know how to use them. Yes and I love how they all appear to be weapons experts, right? The leader says "we want weapons, lots of them" think if you took an M-4 or an AR-15 and put it into the hands of one of her star trek convention rejects they would know how to handle it? Jim is like Lucille Ball right now in that famous scene at the chocolate factory....I am sure he is working his a$$ off right now..... Jim have I told you today that....YOU ROCK!!! Thanks!!! I am on it, pushing that page out everywhere I know! Jim, thanks so much! People do realize that midnight on 2/20/2017 is not the same time for everyone around the world, right? There is this thing called time zones....