MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Hey Jim - I am deleting my IMDB2 and TMD...

Hey Jim - I am deleting my IMDB2 and TMDB accounts - I AM STAYING HERE!!!

Jim, thanks, and I am staying here....[plants lawn chair down and pops open a beer]


Hello everyone. I too am from IMDB, and, am "looking for my (IMDB) friends." I thought that IMDB was scheduled to eradicate all message board posts, close the message boards, disable private messaging on 2-20-17. It seems as though they suddenly closed on 2-19-17.

The IMDb message boards were disabled on February 20, 2017. This included the Private Message system. IMDb is passionately committed to providing innovative ways for our hundreds of millions of users to engage and communicate with one another. We will continue to enhance our current offerings and launch new features in 2017 and beyond that will help our customers communicate and express themselves in meaningful ways while leveraging emerging technologies and opportunities."

I was unable to utilize IMDB PM for a substantial amount of time after the announcement that the boards were closing. When trying to PM, read PMs sent to me, respond to PMs - I would receive the "D'oh" or "Error" messages.

Hopefully, the creative posters that created such an extensive source of information throughout the IMDB Message Boards will find this site. It was enjoyable, helpful, and entertaining to read the posts created by the immensely talented IMDB Message Board Contributors.

Thanks a ton to the person(s) that created this site. Be Well, Winker


IDK where all my friends went, except to FB


I thought last night of checking FB to see if any of mine were in any of the movie/TV (what do ya call it), but I've been off FB for 14 months, and I don't want the aggravation., if it's considered a social media site is the only one I'm on. For me personally, outofsight=no aggravation.


People do realize that midnight on 2/20/2017 is not the same time for everyone around the world, right? There is this thing called time zones....


Lol the time zone thing caught me off guard as well...I expected they would go by Pacific time (since that's where they're headquartered), but apparently not.


Yeah I got caught off guard as well. I think IMDB just jumped the gun early.


I'm on Colliding_Worlds which is specifically Comicbook, imdb2, I have tmdb bookmarked-sdversl, actually. I'll lurk like I did on IMDB for awhile. I'd used the site for movie info since around 1999 never realizing there were message boards & when I did, I lurked for a few months.


I wouldn't be surprised if Col Needham was just pissed with all the backlash from his announcement and just decided to delete them early out of spite. He seems narcissistic enough.


A lot of sites are getting rich because of that dumb fuck Bezos.


We should promote using our existing IMDB accounts to post reviews of movies and television shows, and in those reviews protest the deletion of the message boards.
