MovieChat Forums > Rogue One (2016) Discussion > Better on the second viewing

Better on the second viewing

Okay, trying the new boards.

I enjoyed the film more on the second viewing, where I wasn't trying to keep track of who was who I could relax and enjoy the easter eggs. And the space battle was AWESOME, just as gripping on the second viewing as the first. I think I'll buy the DVD.


I can't wait to see it the second time, and no dang cam version either!


Otter, totally sons and i caught it 2nd viewing on Sunday. It was even more epic 2nd time....only about 10 people in the theater so we could really enjoy it. And AGREE - I am still torn but think that R1 space battle may overtake ROTJ space battle as the best in the SW universe


That was like my theatre viewing, except I saw it opening day, only about 10 of us in there, went to a lunchtime showing, it was nice to see a new Star Wars on opening day without a packed theatre. Hopefully I can do the same for Episode VIII.


OPening day with 10 people? Where do you live, Greenland?


I feel, when I watched it the first time it was a confusing keeping tabs on everyone but with a second viewing it was extremely nice, especially the build up to the Darth Vader Scenes ooohhh


This is one of the few films I've seen twice at the cinema (although only because I had a free ticket ). Getting ready for another viewing when the Blu-ray is released. I do tend to watch a lot of stuff several times and I'm always noticing things I missed before.
