MovieChat Forums > The Walking Dead (2010) Discussion > How does Rick know these goth posers wil...

How does Rick know these goth posers will fight?

These idiots live in a garbage dump, wear Keanu Reeves style trenchcoats (I'd love to know where they found so many matching outfits in a zombie apocolypse btw...maybe at the outlet mall now manned by the walkers?) and they make HIM prove himself? They say that they only take, don't "bother" (whatever that means...does it mean they don't bother meaning they don't disturb things or that they can't be bothered actually exerting themselves to get stuff that isn't just lying out in the open for them to take?). And how does Rick know after he gives this group all these guns they won't just go to the Hilltop, the Kingdom and Alexandria and take all their stuff and become the new Saviors?


Yes and I love how they all appear to be weapons experts, right? The leader says "we want weapons, lots of them" think if you took an M-4 or an AR-15 and put it into the hands of one of her star trek convention rejects they would know how to handle it?


If they took the Hilltop, the Kingdom and Alexandria them three places would still be in the same sh!t but the dump yard group would be in direct war with Neegan so much worse off because despite having a big group they by themselves are not big enough to take on everyone... join forces is the only good option.


They need the women from the beach...they have the automatic and semi-automatic weapons and appear to know how to use them.


I think Tara will have to give up the group by the water. She knows they have guns, and she will eventually have to tell Rick. They will be mad, but if Rick can eliminate the Saviors, then they won't have to worry so much about ppl finding them.



I think she will reveal them too. And they will be very mad. They wanted to kill her, and Tara promised to never talk about Oceanside. But they are really desperate now. What will make the negotiations difficult is Oceania really has no need to get involved. They get nothing out of it, and don't even see the Saviors.

It's going to be interesting to see what the Oceanside community says to Tara and Rick.


He's got no other options. The Hilltop doesn't have fighters... they have farmers. The Kingdom also has mostly untrained people who have no real combat experience with zombies, let alone humans. And both aren't fully committed to joining Rick.

The Scavangers have:

1. Numbers, which he needs
2. They are aggressive and seem tough, which he needs

So Rick is playing the hand that got dealt to him.


Most of the Saviors are nothing but thugs who get their clothes from the Mad Max Post-Apocalyptic Catalog. They're not real soldiers either. Put enough guns in enough hands, with enough training that your people can load and fire, know where the safety is, and probably won't shoot themselves or their buddies by accident, then throw them into battle. Substituting quantity for quality (especially against an adversary that's also largely untrained) is a decent formula for victory. If you don't mind heavy casualties on your side as well as theirs. And you've got the numbers.


I think Tara will have to give up the group by the water. She knows they have guns, and she will eventually have to tell Rick. They will be mad, but if Rick can eliminate the Saviors, then they won't have to worry so much about ppl finding them.

Oh for sure, Tara will give up the group! After all, all is fair in love and war.
