
I just wanted to get this message board active on the new site. I think when it is all said and done this site will be practically identical to the now nonexistent IMDB message boards.


Hello! Good idea on getting this message board active on the new site! I hope more users from IMDb will be joining us on here! I'm sure this message board will be jumping sooner or later.




Yay! Someone else on here!! I agree with what you said. IMDB had years to build up their message boards, and it has not even been a week since the boards shut down. I think it will take some time, but like you said people can come on here and pick up the conversation right where they left off. :)




Hello to you too! I love the feature Moviechat added which shows you what is trending right now! I think the site is starting to pick up! I wonder when IMDB is going to realize what a mistake they made, Lol!


Everyone should definitely join this site and pick up where their conversations left off. Great Idea! I'm glad everyone is joining this site and this message board.

The Golden Girls is definitely a priority! It's one of the best TV shows. I just hope The Golden Palace - The Complete Series will someday be released on DVD so The Golden Girls can officially be completed. The Golden Palace has a great fan base and has many great episodes!


I couldn't get this board to work for awhile but so glad it does now! I'll probably become a regular again!


Awesome!! This board stayed regularly active on IMDB. I hope all of those people make their way back here.


High 5!
