Lorraine's mother.

I'm talking about Lorraine, the older black woman whom Dorothy's son Michael was once married to of course. I was just watching that episode where Lorraine and Michael got married and I have to vent. I really couldn't stand Lorraine's mother. The mother acted all racist to Michael calling him a "skinny white boy" to his face in front of Dorothy and then got mad at Dorothy when she just mentioned that she wasn't thrilled about Lorraine marrying Michael either saying "you got a problem with my daughter being black." You old bitch you were just being racist yourself to Dorothy's son and then you get mad at Dorothy and assume racism when Dorothy didn't even mention Lorraine's race in the first place. She was then was ready to fight Sophia when she called Lorraine old. It is like she can insult and be racist all she wants, but no one can even remotely mention Lorraine's race. Couldn't stand that character.


I know. they all accused Dorothy and Sophia of being racist when they were the ones mentioning color.

but that is what #blacklivesmatter is all about. only white people can be racist.

Oh God. Fortune vomits on my eiderdown once more.


Black lives matter is not about saying only white people can be racist. Why don't you do some research on the group.

It's ignorant statements like this that will not make me miss these boards.


really? funny how they are not all #BLM when it is black on black crime.

whenever a white person is involved, either the victim or the culprit, the BLM's come out of the woodwork.

Oh God. Fortune vomits on my eiderdown once more.


That episode was just on and I got the impression that Dorothy felt the same way as Lorraine's mother. When Michael said that Lorraine was "kinda black" she said oh god. Also when she asked Lorraine why she was marrying her son her she said listed her being black and twice his age, she said twice his age twice because she couldn't get past that one. However if race wasn't a problem for her as well she wouldn't have groaned when Michael told her or brought it up to Lorraine. Just because she didn't call her black in her mother's presence it's blatantly obvious that she was not a fan of interracial marriages.


I know and I am not saying that Dorothy is completely innocent. But back then, interracial marriages still weren't as accepted as it is today. Fact of the matter is, I was a child in the 80's and was basically brought up to stay away and be afraid of blacks because my mother was raised that way. My father not so much and he helped us realize that everyone has a responsibility to behave like human beings.

The sad part, is that Lorraine was absolutely lovely! Her mother and aunts were okay, too. I could see getting to know them a bit.

at the end of the day, like father like son. they were getting married because she was pregnant.

Oh God. Fortune vomits on my eiderdown once more.


Not to mention when she flat out told Lorraine that she can't marry a young white man but if she wants young but black men , she ( her mother) had few names available for her to meet . ...I'm so annoyed with racism allowed to be "working "only one way


I know right! I hate that too, its like on the show All In the Family or Th Jeffersons: It was acceptable for Jefferson to call white people honkeys but white people cannot insult in return.

But back to The Golden Girls. I loved how Sophia retaliated against Lorraine's mom's insults by saying Lorraine was no great catch either!
And while she had an elegant beauty, that *stripe* in her hair was not flattering, and she was quite fat.
On a side note, did anyone else notice Lorraine's nightgown was a duplicate that Blanche often wore?

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.


Well wasn't he a skinny white boy? I never felt she said it because she was racist against white people. Simply that she didn't like her forty something daughter marrying a boy.


she said point blank I don't want my daughter marrying a skinny little white boy. boy is a derogatory term for someone who you think is below you. she brought up race and color. Dorothy didn't.

Dorothy had an issue with the age difference. They had an issue with color. if they had left out the white, I would be with you but they didn't and I can't.

Interesting how the people who first bring up race and color happen to be black.

Oh God. Fortune vomits on my eiderdown once more.



I agree with what everyone has said on here. The mother was really bitchy and racist, and it irritated me when she accused Dorothy of it the first chance she got. I wish Dorothy would have thrown the accusation back at her and pointed out how she referred to her son as a, "skinny white boy." Then again I understand why that was not written into the script.



Well said!!!


Hilarious episode even though politically incorrect. Sorry some people on this board got offended. I just watch and enjoy.


It was funny


I hated that whole family of Lorraine's. Brash, unpleasant, VERY condescending, and racist to boot.

The whole episode was like Stereotype Theater.
The fact that the episode even started with Lorraine's mother assuming Dorothy is the maid, just because she has a duster in her hand was so ridiculous.

And the topper was the line "Can Ella shatter glass?" Even the audience alternates laughs & groans on that one.
As someone up here said, that reference was already old~hat by that time.

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.


I'm watching this episode right now. She really is bitchy.


I agree. I get both mothers aren't happy, but for the sale of your children out your arguments aside.
