HollyGoLightly2013's Replies

It's definitely starting to get dirty! Their director was just as shady, pitting them against each other so they wouldn't double team him. Oh and that Hedda Hopper! Please! She's a gossip columnist! She is probably going to print everything out that Joan told her in confidence about being broke. Bette and Joan were too much alike, and I think that is one of the main reasons they couldn't get along. There's only room for one Queen B in that town! Just bumping. ;) The Golden Palace was pretty good. I liked it at least. I just feel like as far as the audience was concerned they may have wanted to attempt another season as is. It probably wouldn't have worked anyway. Me too. I'm usually a sucker for the "whatever happened to 80's/90's child stars" ones. There is a similar one on YouTube which shows Jaleel White's photo with the title about former child stars you didn't know had died. I knew that was click bait as they were probably referring to Michelle Thomas. I also saw one with Aunt Bea from the "Andy Griffith Show" which said that you would not believe what she looks like now. Well she died in 1989, so probably not so good. "Condoms Rose! Condoms! Condoms! Condoms!" LOL!!!!!!!! I forgot about Night Court too! I would love to see that one, and in the meantime I would love to see the reruns on television. Oh now I haven't checked there. That's good to know! Btw you're welcome! Lol! That was hilarious! "Sweets for my sweet." "Cigars for later." I remember the show from NBC when I was a kid; however as an adult I have more of an appreciation for it as well. I love how it shows that the fun doesn't stop as you get older despite whatever you have been through. They really got into some teenage angst situations at times! Also it dealt with important issues facing women of that age, and they were really ahead of the curve back then (i.e. dealing with same sex couples and their marriages as well as artificial insemination, the AIDS virus). When I was a kid I viewed the show as four older women sharing a house, but over the years I began to see it through a completely different perspective. Plus now I understand all the sex jokes about Blanche that went over my head back in the day, Lol! On a digital analog channel we get called Comet they were playing it the other day which made me think of this. I think they usually air it on Sundays, so you might want to look into that channel. :) I got the book for my birthday, and while I haven't read the whole thing yet I have thumbed through it, and I can tell that it is chop full of a lot of useful information. I agree with the aforementioned Bea Arthur comments. While those insults are meant for her character and not Bea Arthur herself she still looks like her character, and therefore those scripted lines also insult her. It is definitely a testament to her professionalism that she put up with it for as long as she did. I mean there were lines written in about Blanche being slutty, Rose being dumb and Sophia being obnoxious; however that is not how those three actresses were in real life, so therefore it did not hit on a personal level the way appearance insults would. I was surprised too by the F bombs. They also threw in the "c" word too. I didn't think you could say those two words on cable television, but I guess you can now. All of that aside it looks like it's going to be a good show. Hidden Figures Family Matters; Mystery Science Theater 3000; Touched by an Angel Lol you are right! Yes that episode was pretty hilarious! Sophia has some of the best lines on the series!! I looked just a while ago, and apparently I previously spoke with you on the Mary Tyler Moore Show board. :) I can't watch the finale now, because it is so sad. I agree with what daletterjay180 said. They should have carried on with another season of the original series and maybe added in a new character from there or make an already existing character a regular like Uncle Angelo or something. I loved the show as a kid, and while I agree that looking at it now Urkel is a little creepy with his stalkerish ways I feel like it has held up to the test of time, at least for me. I wish they would jump on the bandwagon of revamping the series like Full House did. My theory is that not everyone wants to at this point, and that is why it hasn't happened. Then again not everyone from the Full House cast wanted to for the longest time either, and look what has happened since then. :) Now that makes sense. I don't know why I was so curious now, because I didn't seem to care back in the day. It would make sense that you would have to enter it yourself, because not everyone necessarily wants others to have their contact info. outside of the site. I wonder if TCM is going to do a tribute special to him. Probably so. They have a mini tribute up on their site right now.