HollyGoLightly2013's Replies

Now they're pretty legit. Who I am referring to is celebrities like Hayley Duff and such who all of a sudden have their own shows. Thanks for the info! It sounds intriguing, and yes I can tell the cast is some of the best actresses today. I will be finding a way to check it out! Mine is definitely "Under the Sea." I think the grandfather was just suppose to be another subplot for the film to create conflict, i.e. manipulating Ringo and him disappearing. I think the movie would have gone mostly the same way even if he had he not been in it. I totally agree, and I never understood why she apologized at the end! She didn't become this self centered diva. It's like she says in the film, "I'm still the same old Andy, just with better clothes." That was totally true. He was just sulky, because she didn't hate her job or fashion anymore. He was scared of the possibility of her changing, so when she didn't show up for a birthday dinner or something like that his mental alert system went off. She's better off without him. This always bugged me so much about the film! I never in any way felt that Andy "sold out" and did anything which warranted an apology on her part. All she did was start dressing better. I mean she worked at a fashion magazine, so she needed to look the part. That boyfriend was such a whiny little bitch! Miranda did not ask her to do things, she TOLD her, and Andy knew that the moment she said "no" her future journalism career went right out the window. What irks me is lets say she did leave that event early that she went to with Miranda and Emily in order to attend Nate's birthday party, and as a result Miranda not only fired her but blacklisted her. Well when she would have been explaining all of this to Nate his response probably would have been something like, "Oh you should have just stayed at the party. I'll have more birthdays, but this is your career!" Ugh! The reality is Nate was threatened by her job. He wanted her to stay the same old frumpy Andy, because once she started embracing her new career in his mind he felt like that upped the possibility of losing her. Her friends suck too! They had no problem with her job while she was handing out expensive electronics and purses for free, but the moment she inconvenienced them in some way, like missing a party, they pouted too. BTW when she was leaving that event Christian Thompson stopped her and offered to introduce her to some writers, and she said no. That proves right there that she didn't sell out. That is such a sweet story! Thank you for sharing!! "Breakfast at Tiffany's" is the quintessential rom-com film! This film always makes me want to go grab Starbucks and a pastry as well Lol. Yes I feel like a lot of the rom-com's which came after tried to mimick these classics in some way, basically put their own spin on them. True that! I also wonder if Wayne would still be inventing in 2017 and driving Diane crazy or if he would have passed the torch to Nick. I also wonder if Adam would be playing professional baseball (since it was established that he liked baseball in the last film), what Amy would be up to etc...It's just fun to think about these things sometimes, lol Better late than never! :) I always figured if they did another film it would be time travel as well, very "Back to the Future" style. I wonder in that universe if Wayne would still be inventing at this point.... Hi Miss Margo! I love your name as well! I am going to make more of an effort to post on here each day too, and I will definitely be contributing to the "Breakfast at Tiffany's" board!! :) StyxNyx you are correct about "Breakfast at Tiffany's," and thank you for the complement! Btw you are all good. I know what it's like to be sleep deprived and then try to carry on a regular conversation, lol. Volley you nailed it for me as well. I was an active poster on IMDB from 2004 to 2010, and then I posted randomly in 2013 on one thing, but that was it. I was just a lurker and would not even sign in. I'm not sure what made me stop posting, because I wasn't posting on social media in its place. I think I was just self conscious that I was doing too much of it, and like you said I could usually get my answers without having to post anything. Speaking of social media I am trying not to be on there excessively, so I will be utilizing this site much more. Social media has really gotten out of hand. It's all marketing schemes, people fighting over politics and trying to one-up each other on whose life is better. I should have started posting way earlier on IMDB, but lesson learned. I look forward to talking with you guys, and I know more fill follow. :) Welcome Andy! I'm glad to see another IMDB refugee here!! I am hoping this will be our new place as well. Great to have you here, and talk to you soon!! You are correct, and it really is the best alternative as it's recreated like the old IMDB message boards. I only learned about this site like two days before the message boards shut down, and that was only because I went to a movie's message board page that I never went to. It was by chance. Before that I had been looking at some of these other sites people suggested, and to me they all looked messy and disorganized. This site is none of those things. The words you all speak are true. :) Everything does have to start somewhere. Thanks everyone. :) Yes it has picked up I agree, and I do like the trending section, because that give all of us a focus point as to where the posters are going, but it seems like it's only a small number of programs that stay consistently trending. I know me complaining about this is not going to rectify the situation. All I can do, any of us for that matter, is keep posting until someone bites. Persistence does pay off after all. Finally I just need to be patient! I'm just hoping all of these "lost posters" will find their way here. They say you don't know what you have until it's gone, and with the IMDB message boards I am realizing that. I will say that I was one of the latter you mentioned: just looking stuff up occasionally. I wouldn't even log in most of the time, but instead I would go read the message boards for the information I wanted. I regret that, because I have a lot to talk about now. I am grateful to Jim for setting up this site. He has listened to the people and is working very hard to make this a great place to post. However it is seems like there is a very small number actually posting on here. I am basing that information on the frequent user names I see and how many different posts there are on the "General Discussion" board. I know this will not jump up to IMDB popularity overnight or even a few months from now, but to be perfectly honest it's frustrating not getting replies to your post when you know that on IMDB someone would have answered you pretty quick. That's me being whiny and impatient, and I know how pathetic that sentence looks; however I can't be alone in thinking that. An example I can think of is the "Golden Girls" board. That board was constantly active on IMDB, but only me and like five other people post on there now. I will still try to post on this site, because I do believe this is the best alternative out there, but a part of me has the mentality of, "why waste your time if no one is going to answer back?" I just feel like a lot of those active posters would have found their way here by now. I would have thought most of them would immediately began the hunt for a great replacement to go to and would have stumbled upon this. I'm pretty sure somebody has already posted this on here, but I believe that the whole relationship with Robert Pattison was merely a PR stunt to make the "Twilight" films more popular. I mean people love fantasy, and most of the book's fan base was obsessed with those characters. What better way to make fantasy a reality than by having "Bella" and "Edward" date in real life? I think it would have hurt the popularity of those films had they been serious with other people during that time, because people want to see "Bella" and "Edward" together. In addition they no surprisingly "ended" things for good after the last film came out. On that note I feel the same way about the Blake Shelton/Gwen Stefani relationship. I feel like this too is a PR stunt to encourage viewers to watch "The Voice." I could be wrong about one or both of these theories. This is just my opinion. It would be cool if they got enough funds to do a commercial or a brief segment on an entertainment program. I know it will take time to get the word out; however I am just curious where everyone went if they are not here. I know there was a lot of talk about "the movie database;" however the only discussion boards that seem to be active on there are the ones centered around current stuff. There were plenty of active boards on IMDB that centered around old programs and movies from decades ago: boards which were active on the site until the very end. Where did those people go, because they're obviously not posting on "the movie database" or here.