Andy's boyfriend's career

Just saw scene where her boyfriend cooks her a pretentious grilled cheese sandwich that she says she doesn't want to eat because she's too upset about how pretentious, unnecessary and superficial fashion is. Thought it was interesting that her boyfriend, who she accepts and thinks is great, is in a different profession that's still just as pretentious, classist and obsessed with minutia regular people don't care or think about as the fashion world she feels superior and dismissive about. They are also always drinking wine and I bet they are snobs about that too.


Add her female friend who is a photographer. All of her unsupportive friends are in the same kind of creative industries which makes them all unfair hypocrites. Andy's real career goal of journalism would make her the only one of them with any right to be smug and superior about being important to normal people's lives.


Not to mention, they were all being huge jerks when they took her phone and tossed it around after she got them nice gifts. Her friends/boyfriend sucked.


Yeah, they were all jerks. And her boyfriend was a cry-baby. What a snot, waiting up for her to come home late on his birthday just so he could sulk when she walked in and then go right to bed by himself. What a little crybaby bunting a$$hole. The boyfriend ruins this movie for me - I hate him in Drive Me Crazy too - he's a scruffy, unshaven homeless-looking twat.


What a snot, waiting up for her to come home late on his birthday just so he could sulk when she walked in and then go right to bed by himself.

Omg, right?! And then tell her "you look really pretty" just to try to make her feel worse? That was total emotional manipulation right there. It's not like they could've celebrated his b-day a different night.


This always bugged me so much about the film! I never in any way felt that Andy "sold out" and did anything which warranted an apology on her part. All she did was start dressing better. I mean she worked at a fashion magazine, so she needed to look the part. That boyfriend was such a whiny little bitch! Miranda did not ask her to do things, she TOLD her, and Andy knew that the moment she said "no" her future journalism career went right out the window. What irks me is lets say she did leave that event early that she went to with Miranda and Emily in order to attend Nate's birthday party, and as a result Miranda not only fired her but blacklisted her. Well when she would have been explaining all of this to Nate his response probably would have been something like, "Oh you should have just stayed at the party. I'll have more birthdays, but this is your career!" Ugh! The reality is Nate was threatened by her job. He wanted her to stay the same old frumpy Andy, because once she started embracing her new career in his mind he felt like that upped the possibility of losing her. Her friends suck too! They had no problem with her job while she was handing out expensive electronics and purses for free, but the moment she inconvenienced them in some way, like missing a party, they pouted too.
BTW when she was leaving that event Christian Thompson stopped her and offered to introduce her to some writers, and she said no. That proves right there that she didn't sell out.


I didn't care for the boyfriend either, you could tell that he was just jealous that she was becoming more successful than him and she got to travel to glamorous places around the world and he was just a fairly low-level chef. It happens pretty often in real life too, and not just when the woman is more successful but also when the genders are reversed.


I totally agree, and I never understood why she apologized at the end! She didn't become this self centered diva. It's like she says in the film, "I'm still the same old Andy, just with better clothes." That was totally true. He was just sulky, because she didn't hate her job or fashion anymore. He was scared of the possibility of her changing, so when she didn't show up for a birthday dinner or something like that his mental alert system went off. She's better off without him.
