HollyGoLightly2013's Replies

You're welcome :) Yes. She took a pregnancy test, and it turned out that she wasn't. I remember watching this back in the 90's, and I don't think I've seen it since. That kid was a nut job! It's hard to say if that was a result of his environment or not. Some people are just born crazy. He was obsessed with having the perfect family however, so it may be the latter you suggested. I'm split down the middle here. 2016 was suppose to be her year, and I truly expected her to win. In addition she always looked great in the media where as our current President well.....did not. Yes Ma'am!! I agree! Well said! It may not be at IMDB speed yet, but I do feel like it has picked in a short amount of time considering the site has only been around less than a month. I feel like there are people who are just not posting anywhere right now most likely because they have not heard of this site yet. I'm assuming this, because how could anyone not want to be on this site if they know about it? It's exactly like the IMDB message boards! I know others went to TMDB and that other one who's name I never get right (I think it's thegotboard) and IMDB archive, but I think users will give up on those eventually. Agreed! When people were posting these alternatives I checked them out and was very discouraged at what I saw. I mentioned this on another thread, but the sites were messy and unorganized. I like to talk about current stuff; however I also like to talk about old stuff that people don't necessarily think about anymore. That was incredibly funny!! They were great, and they all did a great job on their look. I must say I was impressed with the Dorothy makeup! You know I thought of that too, but I also feel like Debbie Reynolds may have unintentionally stolen the spotlight out from underneath the other three. I could be very wrong on that, but that's just how I thought of it. The other three did not want that show to end, and I feel like all possibilities were considered to keep it going. Awesome!! I was looking through my book the other night. Let us know how you like it. :) I think my mother has an Amazon Prime account; however their computer is very old and dated. I might be better off waiting for the DVDs. Thank you for the info! Exactly! It's just out of hand now. I mean I enjoy keeping in touch with people who matter to me, but it has lost its appeal. Yeah somebody would make something up probably, but realistically I'll never know nor would I care to investigate that they were telling the truth, Lol Hi Keith! I do not have HBO; however everyone loves GOT. I am wanting to check it out; however I have also been warned that it is gory. As good of a plot that "The Walking Dead" has I can not watch it because of the gore. How bad is GOT compared to TWD? 1) That my family and friends are in good health 2) That all my debt is paid off 3) That I don't dwell in the past Thanks for getting back to me. I still feel like it's all PR despite cheating scandals. Then again that could just be an example of how she was never into Robert at all. I respect your views and understand your side however. I don't really take "The Voice" seriously either. I mean they have incredibly talented people on there-all of which deserve to win; however they have some winners and past contestants who are former child stars or the children/relatives of celebrities. I think if you are going to get picked for a talent competition show it should be because you have talent and not because you are a former actor or the relative of one. Now these people I am thinking of were talented and definitely deserve to be there, but I can't help but wonder if they were only picked due to their backstory. I know of people who have auditioned for shows like this and didn't make it because they did not have a good enough backstory or the powers that be did not think they would bring in ratings. I guess the most recent example would be David Cassidy's nephew. From what I understand I think that information "slipped" on air; however casting people would have located that information long before he made it to air. I think that is a great idea! Will do! Also somebody posted this on another message board on here, and I thought I would pass the info. along. This would be a great place to post about movie chat. https://www.facebook.com/groups/imdbmessageboardsclosing/ I think so too. I just saw the movie on VH1 not too long ago. I guess that's what got me thinking about it. I still remember when it first came out. It seems like on websites such as tMDB and thegotchat (or whatever it's called) the only things you can find active posts for are anything that's current such as Star Wars or something else of that nature. Here all of the old posts are archived and people discuss things other than what is currently popular in pop culture. That is true, and this is a brand new site. I didn't learn about it until two days before IMDB closed their message boards, and it was by chance. I had just watched Titanic and felt compelled to go read their message board. That is where I saw a link to this site.