MovieChat Forums > strntz > Replies

strntz's Replies

Anything and I mean *anything* from Taylor Swift. God has not created a more thorough and proficient ear worm (or was it Satan?) in the history of mankind. She has zero talent and I wonder how much work the studio musicians and producers have to go through to make the dreck she thinks up recordable. Pictures won't be worth seeing. To get her in the frame, the photographer would need to be a quarter mile away... Enjoy before it gets removed: Buddhists living with Hindus = No Problem Hindus living with Christians = No Problem Hindus living with Jews = No Problem Christians living with Shintos = No Problem Shintos living with Confucians = No Problem Confusians living with Baha'is = No Problem Baha'is living with Jews = No Problem Jews living with Atheists = No Problem Atheists living with Buddhists = No Problem Buddhists living with Sikhs = No Problem Sikhs living with Hindus = No Problem Hindus living with Baha'is = No Problem Baha'is living with Christians = No Problem Christians living with Jews = No Problem Jews living with Buddhists = No Problem Buddhists living with Shintos = No Problem Shintos living with Atheists = No Problem Atheists living with Confucians = No Problem Confusians living with Hindus = No Problem Muslims living with Hindus = Problem Muslims living with Buddhists = Problem Muslims living with Christians = Problem Muslims living with Jews = Problem Muslims living with Sikhs = Problem Muslims living with Baha'is = Problem Muslims living with Shintos = Problem Muslims living with Atheists = Problem Strangely, things were better racially when we weren't so easily offended by minutia such as statues and battle flags. We've got bigger fish to fry, and we're spending too much time hunting for things to offend us. I refuse to become one of the aggrieved simply because a new generation of Americans tells me I should be. When Lil Kim lights that nuke off, maybe we'll become more united as a people. Again, if it was merely unfunny, no one would have mentioned it. The fact that it was proves the backlash was a P.C. knee-jerk reaction. [quote]And why did the Brady girls change their last names to Brady (from whatever) anyway? [/quote] They were very young when their father died, so they would have seen Mike as their natural father for the most part. Also, with their natural father dead, Mike legally adopted the three girls so there was no reason to keep their original surnames. I wasn't going to answer the first part of your question but what the heck.. No, Marcia and Greg were never in any way related so they were *never* brother and sister from a genetic standpoint (Roy or no). Perhaps if Greg knew that Roy was Marcia's real father, his own father (Mike) would be less so, if that makes any sense, so Greg might see Marcia as less as his sister. I know that's a weak answer but I also wondered about Greg's reaction. OTOH, Greg was portrayed as not only hopelessly geeky but also a bit dim. [quote]It's also a weak excuse to blame the poor reception on "PC" madness. As if anyone who does not laugh at your bad joke is only not laughing because they are PC, not because it just wasn't funny.[/quote] If it was merely unfunny, no one would have mentioned it. You can't hear or read when no one laughs...The fact that there are a dozen pointed responses to it proves its a P.C. issue, right or wrong. >>"I'm sorry to say, but you don't know how jokes work. When you joke about something like this, the goal is to take away its power. " Not at all; the goal of a joke is to make someone laugh. >>"I guess you can't teach an old misogynist new jokes. (Now that's a joke!)" No. See above. "Who would want to sexually harass that porker?" Well, I laughed... If anyone makes fun of a man, it's fair game. If you poke (pork?) fun at a female, you're a misogynist.. LOL! Not a big fan of seafood (and no shellfish). I do like firm white fish like Cod and Swordfish, but I hate Salmon (health be damned). My wife won't eat fish at all except for the MickyDs.. McDonald's Filet-O-Fish. You asked, I answered... That's a novel defense: "he was larger than me your honor so I didn't think sexually assaulting him was technically a sexual assault...." Liver is vile. Everything else is a matter of choice. There are some vile egg nogs in the market so one shouldn't judge it on one sample. If Hood brand is available, it's decent even if it's isn't great. If someone thinks Hood is vile then they most likely won't ever like it. It's very rich, so a small glass is more than enough. What Eddie was drinking looked more like milk between the color and consistency. Good egg nog has the color of French Vanilla ice cream and is thick like light cream from the carton. It might be an acquired taste, but I've always enjoyed good egg nog. Here in the Northeast part of the U.S., it's common from Thanksgiving through Christmas, but there are many recipes and they all taste different, some quite bad actually, so don't judge the form by one example. Around here, Hood makes a decent safe egg nog. I've never made it at home. I doubt many people make it at home as it's a dairy product and is more convenient to purchase pre-made. FWIW, I've never had Plum Pudding and that fascinates me every time I see one of the many Christmas Carol versions. They sell them by mail but I don't want to try one if it doesn't do Plum Pudding any justice. You're being generous. Bill Clinton was a rapist. Hillary knew it, defended him, and that makes her an accessory to rape. So true. There are really two issues here. The first is the supposed first amendment issue which of course is nothing of the sort. There is no government official breaking into homes in the middle of the night and dragging NFL players out for speaking out against their government. There is a time and place for anyone to make a case for their cause no matter how important or how stupid it is. White supremacists have a perfect right to spew their vile hate, but I don't want it at a football game, church, funeral etc. Also, I wonder how many of these NFL players would feel the same if they became an owner and found themselves losing revenue. Team owners have hundreds of million of dollars invested in their teams and it's unfair for players to use the NFL as their soapbox. The second issue is the cause itself, which everyone it seems is afraid to tackle. As a black man, I remember clearly the militants of the 60s and had a lot of sympathy for the cause. I attended many marches and rallies at college. Today we have the NFL players taking a knee because black men are being killed by police which would seem a worthy cause, but the vast majority of those killed had a rap sheet a mile long including violent crimes. They refuse to obey directives from the police and usually attack or pull weapons. The NFL players would have you believe that the police are pulling over and shooting young black men on the way to bible class. Of course there are incidents where purely innocent black men are killed by police, but the percentages of these roughly mirror the incidents with white men in the same circumstance. If we are to assume the NFL player's cause is right, the next logical step is to say that young black men are inherently incapable of acting in a civilized manor when it comes to authority, and I'm sure there are plenty of white folks who believe this. Anyone who thinks black men should be given a pass because they can't deal civilly with authority is a racist. I think we are better than that. The count itself wasn't important - what was important is that the commander of the Dallas asked him to reply in the affirmative with one ping. Two pings I assume would indicate no to his questions. If the Dallas asked him to ping "shave and a haircut", then that's what Ramius would have asked Vasily to do. I don't see the Islamist connection; the Krill seem to have at least some charm and decency at times.. I didn't see any transgenders. If you mean Bortus, his race is monogender. I nearly split a guy when the first strains of My Heart Will Go On started on the Kaoroke track, and laughed even more when Bortus was interrupted by the emergency, but I had bet my wife that the "button" scene would have Bortus again attempt it, and actually sound exactly like Dion (using her voice dub).