Kril ----> Islamists

Transgender is good, all babies should get it

Being a black single mom is also in the future

Funny show, with some weird inclinations


I don't see the Islamist connection; the Krill seem to have at least some charm and decency at times..

I didn't see any transgenders. If you mean Bortus, his race is monogender.


The krill is a civilization heavily dependent of their own religion and precepts. The episode ends with the female kril telling the captain that the children will grow to hate him [a sort of jihad for the future is underlined]

The child was born a female. Bortus race regards the females as inferior and force a sex change on any female born [same thing happened to Bortus' mate].


I disregard male and female terms used by the bortus race. Ther're clearly an asexual race with out actual males and females yet the writers tried to retcon labels of male/female onto the race so they could have a "transgener oh my god, think of the children" episode.


Not being American, I can't really grasp what Mcfarlan is trying to do. Is he pro or against what he shows?


McFarlan is pretty anti religion. He endorses a future where most advanced civilizations are expected to have already abandoned their faith but the krill maintain their faith. The krill while being techology advanced are still crazy folksters that threaten the global community around them.

In general you'll see McFarlan pokeing fun of things he is against and attempts to show that education some how will turn every conservative into to progressive. Its a common myth on the left that Conservatives are the way they are due to lack of education. IE If they could just be more educated they would see the obvious good values the left holds. For example bortus wants to correct their mutant childs gender but quickly sees the light by simply watching Rudolph the red nose raindeer. Back before the mid 70s homosexuality was viewed as a disorder and you could go to a psychiatrist for treatment. McFarlan was showing that its wrong to fix what isn't a desease untill the child was old enough to choose for them selves(Hes not against transgenders he's against parents treating it as a disorder).

McFarlon is against religion and only shows the negative side of it. For example he shows religion as a shame in the episode where they are dealing with a religious cult on an astroid and the krill in general are totally negative. You'll never see an alien species that cares for the sick due to the tenants of their religion( Pretty much how every major hospital started at least in the U.S.), nope just the violent dominating side of religion will show up in his shows. In his mind religion is a threat to humanity period. He's depiction with the Krill is on pair with the lefts view on islam. Its culture inspired by a dangours religion but openly engaging them in combat is not the answer, he believes combatting islam/krill will just inspire a future generation of more hostile islamists, I'm sure the show will eventually depict a peaceful solution to the krill conflict.


understood. thanks man.


>> turn every conservative into to progressive.

I think human beings will evolve wings before that can happen.
History seems to be moving backwards right now. which is very
sad for me to see happening in a new century.

I tend to think that the secular people bash too much on religion.
I am not religious, but religious people are not just those who
make the history books for their excesses. We as a species
should really think carefully about religion and spirituality as
every single culture that has ever developed has some concept
of god and religion. I think it is dangerous to ignore that and
whatever its function is in society.

It may be that for social cohesiveness society needs some kind
of simple story and moral code norms so people know how to
relate to each other.

But there historically has been a downside to religion, and it seems
to have also had something to do with rallying people to the same
warlike reality.


I really think the downside of religion is oveplayed when you compare it to the brutality of the secular world wars of the last century. I disagree all the good religion has brought scoiety is whats being ignored here. All the bigotry and phobia against religion is well represented in todays society.


I agree, but it is also true that most of the people who fought in those wars had some dogma, religious or not, they were fighting for a world view impressed on them by their cultures or countries. Even more true today.

The thing is that science and philosophy have failed, or rather what has failed
has been the distribution system for knowledge. Our schools, our media, our
arts, and the center of that problem has been our corporations who see it as
their duty ( driven by stockholders and CEOs ) to keep people out of the
business of government, despite what our country is supposed to be about.

It is not religion that is the problem but the corruption of our institutions by
that group of the wealthy and powerful who are immoral. They buy morality
in the eyes of the government by bribing, same as what happened to religion
( Christianity ) before the Reformation.

There are some powerful people who grew and prospered under our system
but whose main goal is not to live under the American system but to destroy
it. I would characterize those people as evil demons in need of securing in
hell, but trying to make it about religion doesn't wash.


The krill is a civilization heavily dependent of their own religion and precepts. The episode ends with the female kril telling the captain that the children will grow to hate him [a sort of jihad for the future is underlined]

McFarlen is playing the "If we keep fighting them their children will grow up to hate us" lib card. As if thats a good reason to not defend your self.


The krill have a "cut of their heads" religion.
