MovieChat Forums > strntz > Replies

strntz's Replies

No. At best we can say the women's team wasn't playing full out. Far fetched? It would be far fetched if they could beat a men's U17 team. Not overrated. They won legitimately. But, they did indeed get their asses handed to them by a boys high school team, which is no surprise to anyone who really knows athletics. It's the same in any sport. The best women's college basketball team in the nation wouldn't stand a chance against a typical high school boys team. This is why men's sports generate far more money. A high percentage of fans want to see the best teams, not the best teams of an inferior division. The only chance I see a woman being competitive in a pro sport is possibly golf. While women will still be at a distance disadvantage, the short game is just as important as the long game. If a woman can play from the white tees and be competitive on the PGA tour, I think most fans would be supportive of this. But in no way should rules be modified for any reason, be it gender or physical handicap. Great scene in a movie that featured many more. The casualty list scene is also very powerful: [url][/url] as is the staircase scene: [url][/url] That's as about as animated as I've ever seen this man. You would think the inventor of the internet would be a loud, gregarious, porn sniffing party animal. I haven't seen one of these since the 70s, but the only one I can recall was the race between the Model A and some larger sedan or limo. The only reason I got into the show was the car.. When threatening to beat the snot out of my little brother, I would always say" I willll be mercccifulll, and quickkkk!!" SPOILER ALERT YOU DICK!!!! No reason for me to watch it now.. All that was fixed in The Next Generation with universal translators autonomously doing the work. Although it was not discussed in the original series, we can retroactively apply that to TOS and not stay awake thinking about this.. Also a boomer (I'm 62) who spent many pre-cable TV days and years watching TOS on channel 11 NY. Despite that, I really like Next Gen, although there are some crappy episodes that must be expected and accepted. I'll watch either when it's on TV and if they are both on at the same time, I'll pick which one to watch based on the actual episode being aired. Like others, I also have a problem with some of the PC crap on TNG. And there's no way Kirk would have thrown the entire Federation under the garbage scow like Picard did in The Pegasus. In my opinion, Picard should have been brought up on charges of sedition. [quote]If Rose wasn't so you think they would have both been able to stay afloat on that piece of wood? [/quote] Heheh... Rose wasn't heavy. She also wasn't anorexic, but that has nothing to do with it. For the purpose of the story, the wall section was written to be insufficiently buoyant to carry them both, which was the whole point: Rose was going on to live a long life, and Jack would tragically die. If the story had been written with Jack rescuing both Rose and (say) Rose's mother or that abandoned child or children, then the wall section would have been big enough to hold everyone who was written to survive the sinking *except* Jack. Interesting. Can you do us a favor and pick one of the ones that are funny from the latest seasons? I'm as big a critic of anything post season 15 that there is but I'm willing to go on another fan's recommendation here. I'm willing to give a newer episode a shot if someone picks a good one. No. There's some serious inbreeding in that line. She's reportedly more fucked in the head than lil' Kim is (was?) You certainly are generous with your praise. I don't really think it's deserved, but I do appreciate it! I don't think that a filmed reaction to Bonnie's death could come close to the image that most of us each personally created in our mind's eye, particularly the one that that the brilliant Hattie McDaniel created. Lack of emotion? That statement just leaves me stunned. Films so rarely come close to capturing the same power and emotion that a book can, but Hattie McDaniel managed to capture that with her pure emotional distress. Her Oscar was well deserved, and I'm sure that "boring" scene clinched it for her. Sure, special effects in today's films create visual excitement, but there is no special effect that comes close to the emotion we create within ourselves. There was reportedly at least another 45 minutes of GWTW that was edited out and literally left on the cutting room floor - a tragedy but that's a different story. For all we know, they did film Rhett's reaction to Bonnie's death but didn't use it. EDIT: here is the scene on youtube. Check out the comment section on this clip.. [url][/url] Not a masterpiece? It's good to be in that 0.25% I guess. Scarlett was nothing if not impulsive and motivated by money. Her quick marriage to the *wealthy* Rhett proves that. She also impulsively married Charles Hamilton when learning that her crush (Ashley) was marrying Melanie. She also married Frank Kennedy on an impulse after learning his general store and lumber mill was a success. [quote]...or when the daughter died, we don't even get to see rhett's reaction directly - only indirectly via someone else talking about how rhett suffered from the loss.[/quote] Wow. One of the most powerful scenes in *any* movie ever filmed is the wrenching scene on the staircase where Mammy is asking Melanie's help in convincing Rhett to allow his child to be buried. Mammy's description of Rhett's insanity over the loss of Bonnie is heartbreaking and far more descriptive and moving than anything that could have been filmed, regardless of how good an actor is. Too bad you missed that. Horan was indeed perfect in this. In such a *strong* ensemble cast like Raymond features, she was a great fit. Pretty high praise to be able to hang with that bunch. Well, in real life, most days Ray wasn't the total asshat we see in the episodes. They only filmed those days that were actually interesting - you know, when Ray was a jerk or Debra was princess. Most days, Ray and Debra got along famously and were devoted to each other. Now, Frank and Marie on the other hand were another story. Hmmm.. sounds like one of those freaky fan fiction porns about to be published.. [quote]Why is this always on tv in america for ppl to laugh at? It is very bad [/quote] I know, right?!! Ray is such a thoughtful prince who deserves so much better! [quote]The only scene I have a problem with is his death scene which to me felt a bit overdone when he was crawling after getting shot. Is it just me?[/quote] Even William Shatner said he went overboard with the death scene..