MovieChat Forums > strntz > Replies

strntz's Replies

[quote]That would make him an absolute maniac, which he (Hitler) wasn't.[/quote] I don't know if was mania or the drug addiction, but he fit the description of a maniac. He not only continually made mistakes, he refused to listen to his top military minds. Germany most likely would have captured Moscow had Hitler not redirected a division south towards Leningrad and the oil fields of the caucuses 1941. By the time the division resumed it's return towards Moscow, the winter hit hard. He fired and reassigned his generals and took complete control over the military. If Moscow fell in 1941, it might have been a much different war. [quote]its so pathetic[/quote] I wonder what motivated him to make the connection? I actually do know.. The left has been unfairly calling everybody on the right "Hitler" since Reagan. Simply denying it no longer works because a lot of leftists don't know their history. A lot of leftists don't know anything about Hitler except history paints him as bad. Since Hitler is bad, conservatives are bad. Would Hitler be a modern socialist? I don't know. Maybe, maybe not. But there's not enough evidence to convince me that Hitler would be a modern socialist for me to call leftists "Hitler", so I don't. But if you honestly assess where Hitler's beliefs and policies fell between the left and the right, more of his beliefs fall on the left. I don't care all that much for either, but if forced to have to stare at one of them for an hour, it would be Kathie Lee. That Hoda is one ugly spud. Judgement city was one of the first in the universe to institute complete recycling.. Completely agree, but because Daniel was the protagonist, the writers needed a barrier for Daniel to cross to advance to the next level. Having Daniel possess the quality of kindness already gives us the motivation to root for him. OCD and other "defects" are a biological issue, not one of the soul - assuming that the soul exists. I agree with OP that fear is a bad barometer of a human's worth in the universe. I would also agree that compassion and benevolence are better barometers. [quote]When you get banned you can still edit your posts, can you believe that.[/quote] I'll go on your say-so. I haven't been banned yet... I don't know - I just didn't find her likeable or sympathetic at all. I thought Bud would have been far better off with the classy girl and was surprised when Bud and Sissy ended up together. It would be strange that they put in Fitzsimmon's dedication to Peggy Sue right at the end if there wasn't a reason. Peggy Sue even said she hardly knew Fitzsimmons, and that he dedicated it to her and "a starry night", which describes that night they shared on the blanket under the stars., seems to indicate clearly that she did go back to high school. At the point in the film when she woke up, we assume she experienced a dream or some other out of body experience as Dorothy did in the film version of The Wizard of Oz. But when they drop the book dedication scene on us, [b][i]it changes everything[/i][/b]. Hard to put a finger on. It's one of those odd films that are hard to explain. I don't like Travola, but like he did in Saturday Night Fever, turns in a surprising if not mesmerizing performance. Scott Glen was amazing, the rest of the cast was pretty good. The story was interesting at least. Several others have mentioned Winger, and I think she was miscast in this film just as she was in An Officer and a Gentleman. In both movies, I thought the protagonists would have been better off without her. She just comes off as totally unlikable. He was also a teenager, at least in the film (I didn't read the book). People change. Everything we saw in the film at least showed him to be remorseful for wasting his life in prison. Thanks George. [b]Marcia![/b] Replacing one flaming asshole with another.. Yes, Murray is an asshole but my disgust with his person doesn't change what I see on the screen. For what it's worth, I thought he showed amazing range in Monuments Men. [quote]The f-word.[/quote] Yep. It was [i]THE word[/i], the big one, the queen-mother of dirty words, the "F-dash-dash-dash" word! I don't know why anyone would bother to build a prop of a typewriter. Makes no sense. Just put a typewriter in the scene.. [quote]There have been movie prop type writers with entirely blank keys.[/quote] When I took typing in my junior year of high school, all the typewriters in class had blank keys. It completely eliminated learning the bad habit of looking at the keys and not at the item you were copying or at the actual type writing going on. Hello!! Read it again from naDaht down. *He* said there were good episodes the last few seasons. I asked him to point out a few. He didn't (not yet anyway). You said don't listen to the guy (naDaht) because there are no good episodes recently. I said (to you) that I was hoping for some nuggets, but didn't want to waste my time looking unless someone (naDaht) pointed out specific episodes to try. Whew.. Yeaaaaaahhhhhhhh, but she was hot!! Mom only makes double beet loaf and red cabbage. Meatloaf, smeatloaf, double beatloaf. I hate meatloaf. I was hoping for some nuggets, but would prefer someone to point them out and not require me to pan for them myself.