MovieChat Forums > strntz > Replies

strntz's Replies

Replacing one flaming asshole with another.. Yes, Murray is an asshole but my disgust with his person doesn't change what I see on the screen. For what it's worth, I thought he showed amazing range in Monuments Men. [quote]The f-word.[/quote] Yep. It was [i]THE word[/i], the big one, the queen-mother of dirty words, the "F-dash-dash-dash" word! I don't know why anyone would bother to build a prop of a typewriter. Makes no sense. Just put a typewriter in the scene.. [quote]There have been movie prop type writers with entirely blank keys.[/quote] When I took typing in my junior year of high school, all the typewriters in class had blank keys. It completely eliminated learning the bad habit of looking at the keys and not at the item you were copying or at the actual type writing going on. Hello!! Read it again from naDaht down. *He* said there were good episodes the last few seasons. I asked him to point out a few. He didn't (not yet anyway). You said don't listen to the guy (naDaht) because there are no good episodes recently. I said (to you) that I was hoping for some nuggets, but didn't want to waste my time looking unless someone (naDaht) pointed out specific episodes to try. Whew.. Yeaaaaaahhhhhhhh, but she was hot!! Mom only makes double beet loaf and red cabbage. Meatloaf, smeatloaf, double beatloaf. I hate meatloaf. I was hoping for some nuggets, but would prefer someone to point them out and not require me to pan for them myself. Come on; you're a foot short. He's got to be at least close to 5'.. I saw this in the theaters when it first came out. My mom dropped me and a buddy off to see it. I remember it being both entertaining and dumb at the same time. I haven't seen it since. Sometimes things are so bad that they are good.. [quote]Wouldn't everytime she looked at Biff remind her of that night she was forced against her will and nearly raped?[/quote] Everyone is different. Maybe she did for the first few weeks, but after the Enchantment Under the Sea dance, George was the BMOC, Lorraine was his consort, and Biff was broken. After than many years, the rape attempt probably faded. Many years ago, one of the women who worked on a team I was heading up was very candid about being raped in college. Very candid. One of the other women remarked how brave she was about it, and she replied that she'd be damned if she was going to let that punk keep on victimizing her forever. He was in prison probably clutching his soap in vain, and she was a successful career woman with everything. But certainly, everyone is different. If genders are ignored, then it would be more accurately described as a sexual assault. [quote]But he was a movie star at one point. In the 1980's.[/quote] Absolutely, but I should have made that point in that first post. When I think of some of my favorite characters over the years, Chase forged many of them. I love the Vacation series, Caddy Shack, both Fletch films and his work on SNL. But like many others, their egos overpower their talent and they stop being funny, but don't realize it. That's the CCS that has afflicted others. Eddie Murphy, Arsenio Hall, Crispin Glover, etc. all have it. I think it's possible that it might be reversible - Eddie Murphy seems to have it more under control now. Wouldn't help: Chevy Chase was the first celebrity identified what's now called the CCS (Chevy Chase Syndrome), where a celebrity overestimates their talent and displays a personality of douchbaggery that transcends real life and spills into their on-screen characters. I can't recall if the radiation leak plan was part of the original plan or not, but if it was, they certainly could have brought in some pre-exposed badges if they even used them on the sub. The main engineer was in on the defection, and he could have rigged the sensors and/or computer software to falsely report the leak. [quote] I can only imagine the looting, pillaging and raping that would have ensued. Total chaos on a global scale. I don't think this would have taught mankind anything. [/quote] Agree: it wouldn't have taught mankind anything, but that wasn't the message nor the purpose of this film. Whereas the 1951 had a simple and brilliant story along with a message for humanity (including those in the theaters), the 2008's [b]destruction of humanity along with the misery to humanity that would follow is a left-wing environmentalist's wet dream,[/b] and this film delivers it with boners to spare. Break out the KY and napkins.. I've spoken to several "environmentalists" who simply hate humanity and would very much love if humans disappeared from the earth. Porno for the greenies.. Wait, what? I thought this series was biographical!!!!! Got it. I thought the town of Hope was fictional.. Ah. I thought I read it was filmed in Vancouver. Did you think Portland would be sitting right on the edge of the town of Hope? Maybe I don't understand your point. The feds got caught trying to force Rick Singer to lie about where the money Loughlin was asked to pay would go. Seems to support her claim. It would be interesting if the feds were forced to drop the charges or reduce them. Still, I'd bet anything Loughlin wishes now she had taken the first deal like Huffman did and be done with it.