MovieChat Forums > strntz > Replies

strntz's Replies

Hey, protein is protein!!! True, but you're missing the silver lining. The stench from that bed was so bad that even rats and other vermin wouldn't come within a good stone's throw of that cottage. Exactly, one of the little unexplained issues in this film. It's hard to think that Hadley would not have been a total tool with his wife and kids, but he had at least one great moment: beating the beejeezus out of Boggs and leaving that POS crippled for life - far more satisfying than if he killed him like mushy-ass. That was the most satisfying scene in a movie that had more than its share of them. But he was a movie star. Surely this makes his opinion noteworthy.. My wife and I have been extremely fortunate. We have two boys and neither was ever arrested or did drugs. We were both tough but very fair with them. One can't cover how to raise a child in a post or even a book, but here is one bit of advice I recommend for parents as their kids get a bit older: Ask their opinion on things. Treat them intellectually like an adult. Even if you don't take their opinion, kids loved to be asked about adult things. Include them in discussions. Oh, get them started on chores when they start to walk, even if the chores they do are ineffective. Get them to read early and often. Limit TV and internet/phone to a specific time. Give them more if their grades are great. I could go on for years, but those are some basics. touche' Yeah.. pies cause that mushy-ass syndrome so characteristic of the windowsill bandits. [quote]Do you think Morgan Freeman and Tim Robbins' characters should have married at the end? [/quote] Should? Not really. Andy was already married once and it didn't end well. Red was a (by necessity) lifelong bachelor. They probably took Andy's boat out with a bevy of hot babes and lived the life most of us guys only dream about. I mean, they had money, they were good looking.. what women wouldn't want them? [quote]Despite having the device for only a few hours, and spending much of that time hunting Kirk, he is somehow able set it into an overload sequence that cannot be stopped.[/quote] Unlike most consumers who NEVER read the three pages of warnings on any item bought at Walmart, Khan saw the part that said not to turn the four chromium rings 30 degrees clockwise and push the Kaboom button in sequence. Took him two minutes to see that. [quote]Maria Bello, Maria Bello, Maria Bello, Maria Bello![/quote] Nice try.. That Betelgeuse trick *never* works.. [rimshot] [quote]Arija Bareikis blows her away in looks and talent. [/quote] No, Arija Bareikis just blows... Eyes... I was never a huge fan of Asian women, but her eyes are stunning for a woman of any "race". I think Bareikis would have been good as old Rose in Titanic. Of course, she's a little old for the part.. Usually grilled meat served on a flour or corn torilla. Excellent point!!! A lot of comments point out some writing irregularities or mistakes that could have been written better. Many of the above commenters make excellent points about what could have been done to improve the stories. But let me just add this without referring to any of the episodes anyone on this thread mentioned (including myself) or their critical comments: We should never forget that 60s TV shows were supposed to be entertaining the first showing, and hopefully entertaining enough to keep people watching in summer re-runs. Syndication was a new idea then. I think those folks connected with making TOS originally would be incredulous if they knew that there would be millions of people in the 21st century who have seen and re-seen these episodes many hundreds of times each (not to mention the dozen movies and many spin-offs it spawned). It's easy to dissect some of these episodes after 50 plus years and hundreds of viewings. So we should go easy on them... except for Spock's Brain!!!!! Maggie. She's admittedly not funny, but she's the only one who hasn't offended me by saying things that are politically offensive to me. Now that they got rid of the stereotypical Indian Apu, they should remove Chief Wiggam (pig? - really?), Fat Tony (self explanatory on two levels), Burns (rich white stereotype), Bumble Bee man (self explanatory), Dr. Hibbard (Cosby clone), Groundskeeper Willie (self explanatory), Flanders (Christian stereotype).. I can go on.. In 20 years, half hour Simpsons episodes will have to be edited out to eliminate offensive statements or situations, so expect three 7 minute episodes packaged in one half hour time slot like the Treehouse of Terror episodes. [quote]He continued, "But I would ask anyone to think back on their own high school days and ask themselves how well they remember a kid who might have been at their school for even a semester. Or someone you went out with just one time. If you had no photo reference, after 25 years, you'd probably have just a hazy recollection."[/quote] When I was just out of high school, I dated a very pretty girl once. She was on a rebound from her boyfriend (Kenny, I remember that name because she mentioned him a couple of times) and I saw an opportunity, so I asked her out. As dashing, sophisticated, and studly as I was, she didn't show much interest in me on that date, and I never saw her again. I have a pretty good image of her in my mind, and with some Facebook stalking, managed to find her profile. I stalked - I mean looked - through her photos and found her graduation pic (a year or two before we dated). I was surprised to see that she was not exactly how I remember her. She was indeed pretty (that much I got right), but if I saw her today as she was back then, I would NOT recognize her. I think Bob Gale got this exactly right.