Thor (spoilers)

So in one shot you see Thor's hammer as Loki and Sylvie go down into the hideout....and you see some small person trapped running back and forth....

1. Does this mean at some point Thor was there and was killed by Alioth
2. Was the little guy Ant-Man from another alternate timeline?


I didn't pause it, but I thought the little person looked like comic-book Thor.


You're right it is comic book Thor!!!


It's definitely Throg. "T365" is the label on the jar. Thor #365 is Throg's first appearance.


It was quick and I did not rewind, but I thought it was Frog Thor.


1. Kid Loki said he killed the Thor of that world.

2. The little creature is Throg, a frog with Thor’s powers. It’s just another Easter Egg from the comic books, like the Thanos helicopter and the costume of “Classic Loki”. Perhaps he’s from the same dimension as Crocodile Loki in this series.

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Did the Throg comic include a crocodile?

I adored this episode, for a while there it got even seriously weird. Weirdness totally works for the Thor universe.


Thor became Throg, Frog of Thunder, due to a curse, in a story written and illustrated by Walter Simonson in the 1980s. When Thor transformed back, he ended up gifting a portion of his power to a regular frog to continue protecting a bunch of other frogs living in a park from rats. The story only lasted for one issue and was basically just an excuse for Simonson to have fun drawing a frog wearing a helmet.

I’m sure the character is still in use, but I haven’t been a comic book-reader for years.

The Thor comics (and the characters) are a lot weirder and deeper than the films or Disney+ series, which are tailored to appeal to a much broader audience.

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Simonson's Thors were unparalleled. He even made Throg cool somehow. Other than his Thors and Orion, I am no so into his stuff, though.

I enjoyed the easter eggs of this episode but thought it was directed poorly. Also, the Void doesn't really work conceptually as presented.


As well as ‘Thor’, I really enjoyed Simonson’s ‘X-Factor’ and ‘Manhunter’. He’s a very talented guy.

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Seconded on the Manhunter story. Originally a backup in the 100 page Detective Comics issues, it's been collected as a trade. . .Essential reading!!!


I own the old gold foil cover edition of that trade :)

The character's story continued, after a fashion, in Kurt Busiek's 'Power Company' and Marc Andreyko's 'Manhunter', which are both worth tracking down.

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Yeah, it looked like Frog Thor to me.
