MovieChat Forums > Black Summer (2019) Discussion > Ruined for me because of the no speak En...

Ruined for me because of the no speak English Korean character.

Disclaimer here, I'm Asian.

So I settled down to give this zombie show a chance, having stopped watching The Walking Dead years ago. Episode one went okay enough... then.. they introduced the no speak English female Korean character. This annoyed the F outta me. Why the F doesn't she speak English like everyone else? This is an English speaking show, right? So why the F doesn't she speak English like everyone else? They never do this to black characters. The entire show ruined for me.

It's a weird and nasty trend. They did it for LOST, the Jin character over ten years ago. They excused it by saying "oh wouldn't it be wonderful if he (and his English) could progress and develop as the show goes on". It was annoying as F then, and it is annoying as F now. Then there are the mute Asian characters in "Guardian of the Galaxy" and "Suicide Squad". It's racist and nasty. To the Producers and Writers: F you, F you, you racist f'kers.


Characters that don't speak English have been there for a long time. You had quite a few of them in old Weissmuller Tarzan movies, for example. Tarzan himself didn't speak English in the first movie.

And I fail to see how is that a political agenda. Right now with woke Hollywood, and woke Netflix and woke media in general we have white males systematically portrayed either as idiots, cucks or psychopaths, and western culture being systematically denigrated... and you complain because a fucking Korean character speaks Korean? Seriously?


They never do it to the Negro characters. Always the no speak English Asian sidekick characters. It's offensive and annoying as F.



Why should they do that with black characters? Black characters in US speak English since they have been there for the last 2-3 centuries.


There's negros in places beside the US, you ignorant F. There's blacks in France/Africa who do not speak English.


That's so fuckin' irrelevant. YOU are irrelevant.


I think you are a bit racist ...


Disclaimer here, he's an idiot.



Then there are the mute Asian characters in "Guardian of the Galaxy" and "Suicide Squad".

There are no mute Asian characters in either of these movies.

As for Jin from Lost, wasn't he a Korean man on an international flight? Seems like there would be at least one person on that flight who couldn't speak English.


I hate saying this, but you're retarded. An entire show can't be ruined by one character not speaking the same language. You're a dope.

Trend? LMFAO! Get the fuck outta here. LOST was 75 years ago. Trend, LOL!!!! LOL, sit down, you fool.


It's been thoroughly established by your own statements that YOU are the racist.


Why U so racist???


Muahahaha, don't watch it the ending of season 2 :D
