MovieChat Forums > The Mandalorian (2019) Discussion > Why is S3 the Bo Katan Show?

Why is S3 the Bo Katan Show?

Star Wars is a male brand so why is Din Jarin being bossed around by generic Girl Boss?


A what? I don’t understand why you would think that.

Bo Katan was pretty darn influential in the Clone Wars series, was a leader of the Mandalorian Resistance and even obtained the title of Mand’alore (leader of the Mandalorians) for a time.

Bo Katan is one of the most skilled and experienced people in the series. That’s been cannon for quite a while now.


"A what? I don’t understand why you would think that."

^You don't understand why I would know that Star Wars is a male brand?


I don’t understand why you would think that, yes. More importantly though, did you want to talk about your question related to Bo Katan and why she is important in Star Wars or did you want to talk about Star Wars being a ‘male brand?’

If it’s the latter, I suggest you revise your thread and be clear about what you want to discuss. Please realize that I did not come here to support the first half of your question, which is an assertion (Star Wars is a male brand). I came here to answer the latter half of your question as to why Bo Katan has a larger role to play than you might have thought she would.

That being said, if it’s the former, then let’s talk about Bo Katan and her role in the Star Wars canon. I know about that and can give you more information on her and what she did for the Mandalorians. I would have no problem discussing that kind of stuff further.

Your choice, no harm done either way.

Edit: Sorry for the double post. I am not sure why that happened.


We can talk about both subjects. Every longtime SW fan knows Star Wars is a male brand, though Disney likes to pretend otherwise for their agenda of subversion. As far as the importance of Bo Katan, the character on The Mandalorian has no personality and seems to be there to make Mando look weak and stupid.


I guess if you don’t like the character in the Mandalorian the only thing I can say is it’s a shame the show isn’t meeting your expectations. I take it you enjoyed season 1 and 2 of the Mandalorian?

One thing for sure, you shouldn’t be told that you must like Bo Katan. I like her character, but I like most stuff that has to deal with the Mandalorians. If you think her character is flat, I think that is a fair opinion.

As far as what you mean by ‘male brand,’ I’ve never heard of anyone use that term/phrase before. Before Disney took up the Star Wars IP there were still powerful and influential female Jedi, Sith and bounty hunters (in canon and the extended universe).

Princess Leia was also an essential part of the original trio (Han, Luke and Leia).

I think of myself as a longtime Star Wars fan, but I never really thought of it as only for men. Sorry, I’m not entirely sure of what you meant by ‘male brand’ so that is my assumption of what it might mean.

One thing that I do believe about Disney is that they have oversaturated the market with Star Wars material. Some of the stuff they have released I wasn’t a big fan of (Thats right, I’m talking about you Solo!)



He didn't say that Bo Katan shouldn't be important.

Maybe not THAT important ...


Yea, I think you’re right based on what Guitar King wrote.

Like I said, I like Bo Katan. But if he doesn’t like her that much, that’s fine.

I gave him info on my thoughts about Bo Katan, what a ‘male brand’ might be (in my own words), and my thoughts on Star Wars as a ‘male brand.’

I’m interested in hearing more about what he dislikes about her and how he thinks Din Djarin (Mando) should be dealt with moving forward.


Is this a trolling post?


Why are you trolling my thread?


Because she's the Mandalorian. Always was. This is her show. All will be revealed.


Quite possible, but that would kill this series.


This is supposed to be Pedro's last season. He said he'd be replaced. We assumed that meant recast, but it may well be the infamous lady swap.


Oh boy, the mess of Disney Star Wars is about to become even messier, then.


Star Wars is for everyone, but does not mean you have to like everything that star wars puts out.


Star Wars is a male brand but our bratty sisters enjoy it too, until they get older and lose interest.


Apparently the show is going to address the future of the Mandalorian people, and Bo-Katan seems to be the only person who can unite the surviving Mandalorians despite their differences.


The show is called The Mandalorian. NOT The Mandalorians ...


Well it's kind of inevitable. Now that Mando has fully accepted the responsibility of raising a foundling, and is no longer trying to offload him onto some Jedi, he's raising him in The Way of Mandalore (this is the way) as he understands it. That part is inevitable, given how the last season ended, and consequently so is a desire to reconnect with his people now that he's a family man.

But since his people are a bizarro cult who don't follow the real way of Mandalore, they've brought in someone who has the power to shake up the cult and Mando's beliefs, brought her in close - and she's a female who is obviously itching to challenge The Armorer for the status of Alpha Female. It makes sense in story terms, and I think that's where the story is going.


I can live with it a bit. I don't mind some bad ass women in the series (still have the hots for Mara Jade). She's already been established as bad ass already and don't need to preach it (unlike Batwoman). Anyway, she's fine to shine for a bit here and there. We don't really know a lot about the extremely religious Din Jarin ability either as he's still a new character in the Mando universe I think.


Sorry, but Din Djarin is Mando's real name. I'm not sure who you're referring to.


After The Mandalorian, who survived the exploits of the first two seasons had to be rescued twice in S03E02 by a female, I knew this is the beginning of the end.

The show has been hijacked by the ultra woke all female SW wrecking crew.
It will be crap from here on out, just like the other SW shows.

It was fun while it lasted.

RIP Mandalorian


Yep, apparently in 2020 lisping Dave Filoni was promoted above Jon Favreau so this could be Filoni's fault.


The future is female, embrace it. Cast away your toxic masculinity.


Because the force is female.
