MovieChat Forums > The Mandalorian (2019) Discussion > Is Grogu with the Light Side, or...

Is Grogu with the Light Side, or...

Is the sprat filled with the Light Side... or not?

I mean he did a Force Choke on Mando and Cara Dune when they argued, and slammed those Stormtroopers around like he was playing "war" with GI Joes! Are we looking at a Sith so cute that people forgive him for everything?


That's one of the mysteries of this show. How will Yoda turn out? He seems to be on the path of good under Din's care. What if Din is harmed or killed, would Grogu seek revenge? So far, his violent use of the force seems to be in self defense only. But he's learning at a young age that violence in the SW universe is necessary sometimes.


Is there really a Light side to the Force? Isn't that just one of Obi Wan's mind tricks?


The Force is like duct tape - it has a light side and a dark side, and it holds the universe together!

Although I don't know if it's the Force that has a light side or a dark side, or if it is a whole in itself and sentient beings can get to it by the Light Path or the Dark Path. And who knows about a sprat who uses a Force choke the first time he sees voices raised.


That's the thing with anyone who learns to use the Force. You don't know for sure how they're going to turn out. A Jedi does a great deal of violence with their abilities in combat, but doesn't necessarily go bad.

I seem to remember reading a post somewhere else where one of the other members said something about an order that uses both the light and dark sides, believing in balance - the opposite of the Jedi belief that the dark side inevitably sucks you in and takes over your life. That sounds interesting. That there might be other creeds and perspectives concerning the Force.

Ahsoka Tano was reluctant to train Grogu because she knew Anakin Skywalker before he became Vader, and wasn't willing to risk being responsible for an Evil Yoda.


Well, Yoda said "A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense. Never for attack." But we just watched Ahsoka use the Force for attack didn't we? Hmmm. Is Grogu a nascent Grey Jedi or, as you have guessed, an adorable Sith?

Or is SW cannon worthless after TLJ?


I admit, I love the idea of an adorable Sith! Someone so cute he could get caught eating roast baby and everyone would say "Don't be mean to him, he was hungry!".

I mean, he already ate most of the gecko lady's beloved brood, and nobody said anything worse than "Put it down!".


He only ate a few of the eggs, and they were unfertilized at the time. Just nutrient sacs. He never tried eating the hatched offspring - I guess the question is, would he have done it if Mr. and Mrs. Froggy weren't there to see? 😳


Did Mrs. Amphibian *say* the eggs were unfertilized, or were you just assuming they were because that's how Earth's amphibians breed? As for the larvae... the first thing we saw Grogu eat was a living, struggling, kicking, adult frog, I wouldn't trust him around any bite-sized aquatic life form I valued.

Particularly as Mando still doesn't seem to be feeding him much, but then, Mando barely seems to feed himself.


The amphibian Grogu consumed in season 1 was just a garden variety animal. And Frog Lady said that she was taking the eggs back to her husband on the water moon to be fertilized. They also showed the eggs with and without developing tadpoles inside - so you could tell the difference.

My guess is, Grogu's sensitivity to the Force allows him to feel the presence of a sentient mind (or not). But then he was never in the room alone with a bunch of little froggies and their parents elsewhere, so we can't say for sure what he would have done.


Eating that creatures eggs struck me as quite evil! He also stole that kids candy.


Well, it's not like we see Mando feeding him on a regular basis!

It's an intriguing question, and one that I consider very much open at the moment. When is the next episode due? I mean, I've been a fan for two days now, I don't know these things.


I'm just a casual observer as well, I was obsessed with the original Star Wars series as a kid but the prequels and Disney films don't interest me.

lol yeah Mando does like to starve the kid and take his metal ball away.

I think it airs every Friday. I'm in Australia though so our times may vary.


Oh, I'm not just a casual fan, I think I'm all in! It just took one day of binge-watching!

I thought I'd never Fan again, after the mess they made of "Game of Thrones", but here we go...


Oh yeah, once they went past GRRM's material GoT got mediocre real fast.

I'm actually surprised they've done such a good job with The Mandalorian. Maybe Disney has finally started to learn from its mistakes!


Oh, they've got plenty of time to make a mess of "The Mandalorian" as happened with "Battlestar Galactica", if that happens I will be disappointed but not surprised. But they've made it work so far, each episode is fun in its own way and the overall arc is full of intriguing questions that have me... intrigued.

And I just want to see more of Moff Gideon. That guy is AWESOME, terrific actor there.


Giancarlo Esposito always plays a great bad guy!


He's so smooth and oily, he's delicious!


I think this show is different to GOT which started off very serious and well scripted only to be rushed through badly in the final season. Mando is more like one of those old spaghetti western's except set in space. I don't expect as much from this show other than entertainment.


It is kind of a trope-fest, which is fun, and it's Star Wars, which is also fun. But I have to say I'm totally hooked by the trip through the underside of the Star Wars universe, and the mystery of Grogu.

AND by Moff Gideon, who is so delicious he's fattening!


I like that there really aren't any good guys in this, even baby yoda (ok Grogu) steals candy and eats frog eggs lol.

Everyone is out for themselves which is refreshing compared to good two shoes Luke.


The power of the Light Side of the Force doesn't have much impact, if it isn't set in a believably troubled world.

And that's one of the big differences between Star Wars and Star Trek, that sense of a flawed world like our own.


It is fascinating because the "Light side" won yet the world/galaxy whatever appears to be a mess. I can't recall which season or ep it was but there was an old Empire general who commented the same thing that all he could see now was ruin.

The Empire would have had a lot more order and I think it would have been better.


That's another thing I like about the universe George Lucas set up, it's believably large! For all the power of the Empire, it's still a very large galaxy with God knows how many inhabited planets, and even an Empire run by a Sith can't keep track of them all or solidify Imperial power in all of them.

And that's something we see in the new series, the Republic is there, and are officially in charge, but they have little impact on the activities of Mando and his pals.


"old Empire general who commented the same thing that all he could see now was ruin"
Werner Herzog's character


That's what future Vader told Padme during their picnic.

Is a dictatorship better than democracy?


And as Yoda says, if you choose the bad side, it's easy because you don't have to do anything....But the good side is hard because you have to be compassionate."


It's a matter of perspective. What if the ones on the "bad side" just see things differently?


The one on the bad side always justifies their evil. They never consider themselves bad. Germans thought Hitler was a hero who saved them.


Neither yet. He's just being a little kid. They tend to be selfish and undisciplined. Of course, the Force powers make it more complicated.
