List of things wrong with this film

1. Why was Harley Quinn so good at fighting?
Does she have supersoldier serum? Did she spend years training in a ninja monastery?? Can someone help me with this please? It was driving me crazy throughout the whole film.
2. lack of character arc
So she was reliant on the Joker's protection and now had to make it on her own. But she never seemed to have any problems dealing with anything. She never struggled. Never lost a fight. Never seemed to be in any kind of difficulty. She just seemed to know how to do everything immediately. Also, she begins the film as a despicable spoilt psychopath. But what earth shattering realization does she have to make her change her outlook on life?
There was some attempt character with her relationship with the kid who swallowed the diamond. But it was poorly executed and we weren't given any insight into why she would have any feelings towards the girl. There was no arc. Just "I like watching TV with this kid...awww".
3. Not one single solitary sympathetic male character. Not ONE. Do we have to go over this AGAIN?
4. She was never in any danger at any point in the film, never failed at anything. Did I mention that she won every single fight? I don't think she even got hit once.


No.1 was and is always like that. Even in the comics and games. But for me, it doesn't matter tho'. The Joker in the comics and animated movies is also depicted like that. He's very powerful and tough and has lots and lots of gadgets which are nonsensical. Also how can he afford or obtain these joke gadgets anyway? Harley Quinn sometimes depicted with a huge ass wooden hammer which is obviously nonsense too. But it was always like that I don't know why. Yet they clicked with the audience. So I wouldn't blame the movie for your #1 point there.


Understand the difference between comics and games, and live action movies.


Why tho'? I treated them the same. They are all entertainment media. I tend to agree with your other points, especially #2 and #4 (because #3 is given considering Hollywood today.) That's the movie's story weakness. If a cartoon or a comic tell a story like that I'll be bothered too.


There are certain things that can be accepted in other forms of media that won't fly in a film. Take Hawkeye's costume. In a film you have to justify it somehow, other wise it will be weird. In comics or games you just accept how a character looks.


Umm.. not agree. Hawkeye costume look silly even in comics or cartoons. Probably why he's not a very popular superhero character. But I don't like MCU Hawkeye costume too. It's just too bland and generic. All in all, Hawkeye is just too weak of a character design.

It depends on the genre of the movie whether it's cartoon or live action. Nolan's semi-realistic Batman would look stupid to have blue and grey costume. But live action Batman vs Scooby Doo (if they'll make one,) it would be equally silly if they use the all black kevlar and shit costume.

I'll remain treating comics, cartoons, live action and games the same.


Harley Quinn "It was Super Easy barely an inconvenience"


I wish there were upvotes here. I'd give you all of them.


It's a female power fantasy. Nothing more, nothing less.


5: the overly choreographed fights... I wasn't expecting Shakespeare, but I did expect some nice action. Got some, but the quality was laughingly low. Each fight is so over-animated and wrestle mania choreographed that, and real suspense or ”believability” never got a chance...
