Wrong man arrested

Is Sting Ray such a moron he doesn't recall it was Silver and not Kreese who attacked and put him in the hospital? Or did the writers just screw this up and forget to edit the scene and have Kreese actually attack Sting Ray instead of Silver?


1) Identify this as a spoiler in the header and use the formatting tool for benefit of those who haven't seen it yet.
2) Watch it again and pay attention.


None of the above, you just didn’t understand it. Kreese doesn’t want Stingray in Cobra Kai. So Silver made a deal with him to let him back in if he blames the beating on Kreese.


On the netflix that I ordered, no such scene exists of Silver telling Sting Ray that. The scene that I have just shows Silver beating him to a pulp


Honestly they're counting on viewers being able to connect the dots. I'm guessing well over 99% were able to.

During the beating Terry Silver says to Ray: "I'll make you Cobra Kai, but you gotta do something for me.." and then it cuts to Ray identifying Kreese as his attacker. It's pretty straightforward.


The above poster has the IQ of Stingray so it’s to be expected that she doesn’t grasp it.


Yes, but on a later scene (possibly on the following episode), we see a flashback of Silver promising something to Sting Ray (money? a place in Cobra Kai? We don't know) if he would "do something for him" (maybe not in those exact words). The obvious implication is that if Sting Ray identifies Kreese as his aggressor, Silver will reward him somehow.


What do you think that flashback meant near the end of the episode, right before he named Kreese? Don’t be dense.


Stingray is an idiot but he didn't deserve that.


It made it very clear that Silver asked Stingray to blame it on Kreese in order to join Cobra Kai.
