Iron Eagle

I finally watched it because I had to see what it was all about. Interesting how Rob Garrison (who played Tommy in Karate Kid) played a nearly identical character (a laughing goon who hung around with the main character's school rival) in both movies.

I'm also surprised that this would be one of Johnny's favorite movies. One would think that his favorite stuff would all be from before 1985 since his life pretty much fell apart in late 1984. But I guess all the stuff he would like from the mid-to-late 80s was comforting, and the music, movies, etc., just grew worse with each passing year.


What's surprising is that he would pick Iron Eagle over Top Gun. Top Gun is obviously the far superior movie and it's also a quintessential 80s film.

The only explanation is that the show's writers wanted to go with something that's a more obscure 80s reference than something as popular and obvious as TG.


I didn't think about that, but I think I have a reason why. It's probably from a different studio so it would cost money to get clips of... and even if it wasn't, they'd still have to pay Tom Cruise.

Although for some reason I can imagine a scene where Johnny is watching Iron Eagle and Miguel comes into the room.

MIGUEL: Hey, Sensei, what are you watching? Top Gun?

JOHNNY: NO! Tom Cruise does not exist in this dojo.


Does it ever actually show an Iron Eagle clip? I don't remember that, but if that's the case, you are probably right about it being a rights issue. Even if they don't own it, I'm sure the cost-per-second to show Iron Eagle is a lot cheaper than to show Top Gun LOL.

It makes sense for Johnny to be into Iron Eagle, even though it's not a very good film, while Top Gun is one of the best films of all time.


Yes, they show a clip in season 1, episode 1. Good movie, not as good as Top Gun of course.


Johnny was all about that basic cable 80s life just like myself. Iron Eagle and American Ninja were awesome times.


They show an IE clip 2x in 2 diff eps in season 1.


I imagine clips from Top Gun would be a lot more expensive. They have to pay for that sequel coming up.


"What's surprising is that he would pick Iron Eagle over Top Gun. Top Gun is obviously the far superior movie and it's also a quintessential 80s film."

Neither movie is any good, and neither of them is more "quintessentially '80s" than the other. Also, the quintessential '80s movie is Commando (1985) anyway. "Action" is the movie genre that the 1980s decade is best known for; the biggest action star of the '80s was Arnold Schwarzenegger (an argument could be made for Sylvester Stallone too, but no one else even comes close), and Commando is the quintessential action movie (an argument could be made for Rambo: First Blood Part II [1985] as well; no other movie is in the running).

"The only explanation is that the show's writers wanted to go with something that's a more obscure 80s reference than something as popular and obvious as TG."

Iron Eagle is more obscure only to people who didn't watch a lot of movies in the 1980s. It obviously wasn't anywhere near as successful at the box office, but it played on TV plenty and was available at most any video rental store that you can name, usually right on the same shelf as Top Gun. If someone liked Top Gun, their obvious choice for their next rental was Iron Eagle.


"Neither movie is any good."

You see, you're only five words into your multi-paragraph post and you've already gone and fucked up.

I am inclined to agree with you on Iron Eagle, but Top Gun is a genuine classic. Tony Scott was firing on all cylinders when he made that one.

"Also, the quintessential '80s movie is Commando (1985) anyway. 'Action' is the movie genre that the 1980s decade is best known for; the biggest action star of the '80s was Arnold Schwarzenegger (an argument could be made for Sylvester Stallone too, but no one else even comes close), and Commando is the quintessential action movie (an argument could be made for Rambo: First Blood Part II [1985] as well; no other movie is in the running)."

I'd say Die Hard and Predator are just as iconic as Commando and Rambo II, if not more so. And both are more fun.

Commando is a little too goofy and Rambo II simply isn't very good. Give me Die Hard, Predator, The Terminator, Robocop, Lethal Weapon or The Running Man over either of those two any day of the week.

"Iron Eagle is more obscure only to people who didn't watch a lot of movies in the 1980s. It obviously wasn't anywhere near as successful at the box office, but it played on TV plenty and was available at most any video rental store that you can name, usually right on the same shelf as Top Gun. If someone liked Top Gun, their obvious choice for their next rental was Iron Eagle."

The Bottom Line is that Top Gun is recognizable to a lot more people than Iron Eagle is.


"You see, you're only five words into your multi-paragraph post and you've already gone and fucked up.

I am inclined to agree with you on Iron Eagle, but Top Gun is a genuine classic. Tony Scott was firing on all cylinders when he made that one."

Top Gun is not only cheesy, but it features a bunch of smug characters who look like Sears catalog models, and cringeworthy dialog ("I am dangerous"). It's good for a laugh, but it isn't a good movie.

"I'd say Die Hard and Predator are just as iconic as Commando and Rambo II, if not more so. And both are more fun."

Die Hard? You mean that movie starring that balding, no-muscles guy from that shitty TV show, Moonlighting? I never bought him as an action star; not when I was 13 when that movie came out, and not now.

Predator is a great movie, but it's not a pure action movie, i.e., it is action/sci-fi.

"Commando is a little too goofy and Rambo II simply isn't very good. Give me Die Hard, Predator, The Terminator, Robocop, Lethal Weapon or The Running Man over either of those two any day of the week."

The Terminator is the best movie in that list, and one of the best movies of all time, but again, it isn't a pure action movie (it's action/sci-fi/horror). Robocop is a great movie too, but it's action/sci-fi. The Running Man wasn't very good, and is also action/sci-fi. Lethal Weapon wasn't bad, but in terms of "buddy cop" movies, I'd rather watch 48 Hrs. or Red Heat.

Commando was a pure action movie featuring the biggest action star of the '80s, and the best one-liners from the king of one-liners. It was also released right square in the middle of the 1980s, which gives it the best possible separation from both the 1970s and the 1990s.

In an episode of Family Ties (it was Nick's first appearance on the show I think), Malory and Nick came home from watching a movie, and someone asked them how the movie was. Nick said something to the effect of, "It was okay, but not enough action." When asked what movie it was, Malory said, "Commando with Arnold Schwarzenegger." The joke worked because, in reality, Commando exemplified action movies, i.e., it was the most action-packed movie the writers could think of.

"The Bottom Line is that Top Gun is recognizable to a lot more people than Iron Eagle is."

That may be true in general, but it only matters if it's true for the Cobra Kai demographic. If the demographic is primarily people who watched the Karate Kid movies in the 1980s when they were kids (like I did), then I would expect most of them to be familiar with Iron Eagle.


"Top Gun is not only cheesy, but it features a bunch of smug characters who look like Sears catalog models, and cringeworthy dialog ('I am dangerous'). It's good for a laugh, but it isn't a good movie."

I will agree to disagree, and simply say that I think Top Gun is a great fucking movie. Not only a lot of fun, but also very well made. The upcoming sequel is easily my most anticipated film of 2020.

"Die Hard? You mean that movie starring that balding, no-muscles guy from that shitty TV show, Moonlighting? I never bought him as an action star; not when I was 13 when that movie came out, and not now."

Eh, he didn't have the physique of an Arnold or a Sly, but he was in pretty good shape for what was supposed to be a common man. I remember my mom was into him back in the day.

"The Terminator is the best movie in that list, and one of the best movies of all time, but again, it isn't a pure action movie (it's action/sci-fi/horror). Robocop is a great movie too, but it's action/sci-fi. The Running Man wasn't very good, and is also action/sci-fi. Lethal Weapon wasn't bad, but in terms of "buddy cop" movies, I'd rather watch 48 Hrs. or Red Heat."

I think you're being a little too restrictive in your definition of "action movie." If you toss out all the films that have sci-fi elements, you're excluding a shitload of great action films, including what some think is the best action film of all time: T2.


"Commando was a pure action movie featuring the biggest action star of the '80s, and the best one-liners from the king of one-liners. It was also released right square in the middle of the 1980s, which gives it the best possible separation from both the 1970s and the 1990s."

I really think you're giving Commando too much credit.

Yeah, it had Arnold, but it's not a film that I personally ever feel much desire to revisit and it also wasn't a big box office hit. It made $57 million at the box office. Die Hard, in comparison, made $141 million. Lethal Weapon made $120 million. I also think Commando just doesn't have the kind of cultural footprint that either of those films have.

Is it a good action film? Sure. Is it the "quintessential 80s action film" that you claim? I don't really think so.


Even in the 90s they played Iron Eagle on cable.


Iron Eagle isn't obscure, it resonates with people who saw it as kids because it's fantasy. A kid rescues his dad from prison, the absurdity is perfect for a kid's imagination.


Well I said more obscure than Top Gun, which I stand by. Certainly far more people have seen TG than Iron Eagle, and more people will understand TG references.


True that TG is more popular like SW and ST is more popular than TG, but it doesn't mean IE or TG are obscure 80s films.


They do like being obscure though. Johnny wears a "Zebra" t shirt in one Ep not a very well known band overall but it works.

Iron Eagle also has the KK connection as you mentioned with the actors.

It's also more of a fantasy film than Top Gun which is a little more serious.
