Where are the reviews?

This movie releases in less than 2 days time and there's not a single review for it yet. Says it all when they have a review embargo right up to the last minute, like X-Men: Dark Phoenix and the first Venom film.

It'll probably be as generic and forgettable as the first movie.


If it makes as much $ as that first, poorly reviewed, generic and forgettable film, we'll get another and another. Dark Phoenix flopped, but Venom had legs for whatever reason.


I was thinking the same thing. That being said, while Venom wasn't a good movie, I thought it was a fun movie. As long as Let There Be Carnage is as fun, I'm okay with it.


True to form. Though I will admit, I expected to hate the first movie but enjoyed it alright.


venom was fun, goofy & short.
if this is more of the same, i'll be happy.


The London premiere was two weeks ago. May be something on Reddit.
