NOW it's racist...

"We all know how accommodating white folks are when people of color prosper"

This kind of generalization is a 100% certified racist statement in any textbook or encyclopedia.


Whenever someone uses the word "folks" like that, or the phrase "people of color," it's a red flag for me, signaling there is a good chance the speaker is going to be into some racist shit yet be totally oblivious to it or in denial of it.


As a white person, I wasn't offended.


How is that relevant? Nor was I but that's subjective and doesn't change the fact that negative generalizations concerning a grouping of people based on a such a superficial trait as skin color is textbook racism.


The statement was made in the context of the world depicted on the show. I did not think it was somehow objectively racist.


>The statement was made in the context of the world depicted on the show.
While this is formally correct it's not the truth and, I suspect, you know it. The show quite purposely tries to tackle some very relevant and painful social issue of OUR world, uses a tragedy which happened in OUR world as one of the main story's starting points.


"We all know how accommodating white folks are when people of color prosper"

This kind of generalization is a 100% certified racist statement in any textbook or encyclopedia.
I'm not going to trust you on that statement and look that up.
1: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
2 a: a doctrine or political program based on the assumption of racism and designed to execute its principles
2 b: a political or social system founded on racism
3: racial prejudice or discrimination
Are you sure the show is racist, NOW because of that statement?
While this is formally correct it's not the truth and, I suspect, you know it. The show quite purposely tries to tackle some very relevant and painful social issue of OUR world, uses a tragedy which happened in OUR world as one of the main story's starting points.
While the show is operating in some form of parallelism it is still playing by the rules of the in-show narrative. That being said this series highlights the moral and social hypocrisy of the Law, Religion and inter-personal interactions.

A white FBI agent (representing law enforcement) making a comment about the treatment of POC (Americans) is a generalization to you? Just who is the white FBI agent representing Law Enforcement racist for or against, himself?


You Americans and your obsession with colors. It doesn't matter which color the character is. Negative generalizations of this kind are racist and "All white people don't want people of other races to succeed" is exactly the same as "All black people are lazy" etc.


I agree with NorrinRad. It's not racist NOW, but rather the show has ALWAYS been racist. It's just more blatant now. What country are your from papa?


That wasn't what NorrinRad said at all.


[–] exatera (2059) an hour ago
That wasn't what NorrinRad said at all.
Absolutely right. The first three episodes are only racist if that is what you see.

There are masks being used all throughout this series to hide many things.




[–] papamihel (438) 12 minutes ago
You Americans and your obsession with colors. It doesn't matter which color the character is. Negative generalizations of this kind are racist and "All white people don't want people of other races to succeed" is exactly the same as "All black people are lazy" etc.
Interesting response, but I am going by your statement of textbook racism as according to this statement:
"We all know how accommodating white folks are when people of color prosper"

This kind of generalization is a 100% certified racist statement in any textbook or encyclopedia.
The series in the 1st Episode WASN'T racist when it depicted an African-American portion of Tulsa called Greenwood destroyed by the white residents intent on dismantling the town based on Skin color? But when I looked up the textbook definition of Racism to support your statement I didn't find any clarity.

I see the series highlighting "Hypocrisy" as well as "Moral Relativism". A young child watches a screen and gleefully states, "There will be no MOB JUSTICE today. Trust in the law!" And yet his very reality has given way to mob rule and deputized Klansmen as well as Klansmen who were on the police force taking active part in the massacre, not a Race Riot but a Race Massacre. Should Americans trust in the law to protect all Americans or only some Americans? Why didn't the law protect these citizens?

In the execution of the current law in Tulsa we see Sister Night abuse the rights of a citizen of Nixonville because he is labeled a Terrorist at worst or lives in an area that allegedly harbors Terrorists. Is Sister Night a Black Supremacist or is she showing complete fealty to the law? It isn't MOB Justice or is it just plain old Fascism?
Negative generalizations of this kind are racist and "All white people don't want people of other races to succeed" is exactly the same as "All black people are lazy" etc.
For the record I consider the statement to be a False Equivalent not germane to what the FBI special agent stated. It was never stated nor implied that "All white people don't want people of other races to succeed". But of course context matters and would not excuse someone from Law Enforcement making a blanket prejudicial statement towards or about a specific group.

But in this case the presentation, the statement and the slides are all about a Group, "The 7th Kalvary". The 7th Kalvary have a manifest, a doctrine, an ideology, a video statement, special garb, a belief that is well stated and yet you feel the agent and those assembled are referring to ALL White people? Are all White People part of or agree with the 7th Kalvary?

Did we both watch and listen to the same episode?


So a facetiously made comment by a (white)character in a show regarding the prevalence of racism/white supremacy among whites, within the context of the show somehow makes the show racist? Sounds like the classic SWS fallacy of "You're racist for saying i'm racist/You're racist for calling out white supremacy". Talk about broad, sweeping generalization.


What does "SWS" stand for and what is a "SWS fallacy"? I honestly want to know.


Where you been pal, a desert island? The straight white man has been Hollywood's villain ever since November 2016


I get that hate is a great political tool for rallying up "the troops". But out of all Leftist targets this one is the most ridiculous. Not that I advocate "class struggle" but at the very least it had some logic behind it. Race theory is a 19th century fad - horrible, simplistic and discredited long time ago. Why reanimate it now?


I'd add 5 years to that.
