Just kill me now.

That's what I said to the woman who dragged me to the first movie after 15 minutes. Obviously
I'm not going to get within a country mile of the totally unnecessary second film.

BTW, is a country mile longer than a city mile?



We don't often agree MMC but this time I'm in full agreement.
I just do not get the fuss about the first one and can't believe another one is happening.





Poor man! I sympathize with your plight. I once got dragged to watch "Twilight" at the movie theater and kept thinking to myself about how we had REAL vampires movies in my day, like "Lost Boys" and "Fright Night."

I think what would make me truly want to swallow my own tongue, is being forced to listen to the screeching, strained lyrics of badly delivered ABBA songs for 2 whole hours. That thought is horrific!


I hear ya, Bro!



You couldn't pay me to see it either. But, again, I own "The Wizard of Oz", "Meet Me in St. Louis", "Singin' in the Rain",
and "West Side Story." You see, I'm afflicted with taste. If I want CHEESE, I can buy it at Vons. But, of course,
the inane thing will probably be a hit, as it "features" a blonde (!) Cher, who, at 874, has made a "comeback."

Seriously, it looks awful. Three aging, clumsy old goats, jumping around an Island with Cher and lip-syching
to Abba.

The dentist anyone? Root canal?


Yeah, I got dragged to the first one, but no way I'm getting anywhere near this one, cause it could only be worse.
BTW, it received a paltry ** from Christine Lemire of RE.com, who remarked that during one particularly clunky
musical number, she felt "uncomfortable".



Your post did make me laugh!

I hate the way they've shoehorned the plot to fit the lyrics of the songs or is it the other way round?

For a while I was shunned by other women for not "getting" Mamma Mia. It's not as if I dislike Abba, they're fine, and I like Meryl Streep and Julie Walters they're ok, it's just that the film was bloody abysmal, terrible tripe.


Are there enough Abba tunes to make another weak plot?



Got it! Thanks, Bro.



Nope. Could be either shorter or longer.


I needed to answer this! The "country mile" was a term made when rural folk could be a little careless about making distance estimates. City people were always more concerned over exact property measurements and boundaries. There was always a city bureaucracy that thrived on delineating exactly who owned what and who was responsible for what and property taxes, etc... It sounds ridiculous in this age of GPS, but a "country mile" could be either longer or shorter than a real mile. That was the point of calling it a "country mile". Country people couldn't be bothered to measure the exact distances between two points that far away.


Okay then. Thanks for that additional info.



I don't care one way or another about ABBA, and these "Mama Mia" movies are unendurable junk as far as I'm concerned. But to all who love them--please go see this and enjoy yourselves, it don't hurt me none.

And please, go ahead and indulge yourselves by calling me a troll. I don't really care. So I'm a troll? So what? Hooray, I'm a troll!


I don't think you're a troll. You simply expressed your opinion, which I happen to agree with 100%. And calling them "unendurable junk" is actually generous on your part.

BTW, I've been called a troll, but I didn't care either.



At least Lily James is hot in it.


I'll take your word for that, because I will never see this film, even upon pain of death.



I thought the first one was bad enough. Cant believe they made a sequel. and cant believe Meryl wastes her talents on this as well.


It makes no sense whatsoever, other than the Hollyweird pinheads think they can squeeze a few more dollars out of it.



and they sure do. The dumber the movie the more it sells. It's like selling coke to brain dead zombies.


Actually it IS selling coke to brain dead zombies.









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Okay it seems if you click it on it wont work but if you copy and paste it does.

But heres another to try.

Try these.






They still don't work. Do you know how to do this?

