MovieChat Forums > Roseanne (1988) Discussion > I am on the fence here.

I am on the fence here.

I was a huge fan of the show in its original run. I was unsure how I would feel about the revival. And my uncertainty was not even for political reasons. I went into it with mixed feelings about how this was all gonna come off so many years later, and as suspected, mixed feelings was what I came away with.

Roseanne was Roseanne. Not much changed. Not much needed to.

Dan was Dan. A great dad in the '90s, still a great dad and grandpa now.

Jackie was an embarrassment. Overly animated, overly exaggerated and still trying to act whatever age she was the first time around. Still lacking in direction and making it all up as she goes along. She dresses as though she's homeless and acts like she just wandered away from "the home."

Darlene was my favorite character in the show's original run (the funny Darlene, not the angry one), and now she is my favorite character in the revival as well. Having lost a lot of her cynical dark edge, and showing more vulnerability than ever before.

Becky is 43 still trying to play 16, still reckless, shallow, self involved and as disrespectful as ever. Poorly written and poorly acted. I think I would have liked Sarah Chalke better, even with the attitude.

DJ, what the hell? He was barely more than a walk-on. From what little was said of him, he sounds to be like one of the more respectable members of the family, yet he's barely featured at all. I hope they will bring him back a little more. And his family.

Harris I'm not sure about. It looks like they're trying to fill the bedroom with another angry teenage Darlene type character.

Mark. I love Mark, I love what he brings to the show, and I love what he brings out in the rest of the family.



Wow what an immature post. Yes he said he loved Mark but not just for the character himself but for what the character brought out in others. Someone expresses admiration for a character that could possibly be transgender and your feelings on the topic are so sensitive that you feel the need to insult them? Sorry but with your sensitivity so fragile i don't think you should be calling anyone else a snowflake.



Yeah I said possibly transgender not definitely because with Roseanne they may go that direction so I was paying attention just fine.

And if you’re trying to say I’m artguylarry under a different name, oh yeah you got me. I created this account years ago (actually going back to the IMDb days), posted over 540 times over a variety of movies and topics just so I could some day defend my alter ego Larry against an easily triggered poster like yourself who calls others snowflake even though you’re the one freaking out over a boy wearing a dress and nail polish.


SuriLee, thank you for thinking I asked for your opinion on my post, but I must correct you. I did not. You are childish and your responses to me don't really support a valid argument. Now let's begin my reply to you with this: I don't seem to recall saying I LOOOVVVEEEE Mark. I don't know the meaning of whatever word that was. I loved his character. He is an adorable kid with a bright personality, had had plenty of screen time regardless of how many "cheacters" he interacted with (I believe you thought you were spelling "characters"). They gave him enough screen time for us to form an opinion, especially since he was one of the central focuses in the plot of episode 2.

As for understanding the character of Becky, I am not sure what you mean. It does not take much to understand a character with so little substance. You can't be that shallow and self absorbed, and still be difficult to understand. Not much room for analysis in a head like that one.

As for the remainder of your "opinion" of me, first, my current job takes too much of my time and makes me plenty of money, so I don't need another job. Secondly, my mommy (though I call her "mom") doesn't have a basement, but I wouldn't live there if she had one. My house is much bigger, and better furnished. Nicer too. Lastly, I am 50, not 40 and whether or not I am a virgin is of no concern to anyone who means as little to me as you do.

Have a nice day!


thank you for thinking I asked for your opinion on my post

Well, you DID post your opinion in a message board so yea, you kinda did.


"SuriLee, thank you for thinking I asked for your opinion on my post"

That's a kind of silly thing to say if you post your opinion on a public discussion board .😐



I get what you're saying about Jackie but she still cracks me up. I wasn't the biggest fan of the original series past the first few seasons so I'm not sure if I'll continue watching but with only 9 episodes I'll probably at least watch for the remainder of this season.


Markdown, I was the same way. And Jackie was hilarious the first time around until she became a parody of herself. Laurie Metcalf I LOVE, but her character here is off her nut LOL. She's better now on Big Bang Theory. But like you, I've started this season, so I guess I will see how it goes.


Regarding Becky, it’s common for people who are self-absorbed in their teens to remain that way for a lifetime. I always thought Sarah Chalke was awkward as Becky and didn’t fit into the family the way Alicia Goranson always did. I thought Alicia reprised her role nicely.

I also would like to see more of DJ. But I guess it depends on the actor’s priorities.


Jackie was too absurd. I never liked the batshit crazy aunt Jackie from later seasons.

I totally disagree with your assessment of Becky in the original show. Wth? I don't know what her character is all about this time, but she seems kind of sad. In fact, all of the characters are a little pathetic. Kind of dark. Never liked Sarah Chalke as Becky, by the way.

I don't see what's to love about Mark. He's been nothing more than a gimmick up till now.

But yeah, mixed feelings right now. The first two episodes were a little disjointed trying to introduce too much.


Hi Larry
I pretty much agree with your assessment except for the character of Becky.. Yes, when Becky was a kid, she could be shallow and self-absorbed but she was also intelligent and had ambitions, remember when she was in school she was making straight A's and had to help out at home when Dan and Roseanne were working extra hours.. Now, she is a widow, working but barely getting by and facing the realities of no spouse and getting older.. Dark stuff.. It would have been nice if by now she had fulfilled one of her ambitions, physical therapist, paramedic or something in the medical field like she once told Mark about, but I guess they decided to ignore that in this version.. It will be interesting to see how the show plays out with all the characters..


Here's my opinion of the characters:

• Roseanne - I agree. Still the same as she was during the show's original run.

• Dan - He seems a little tired all the time but is funny nonetheless. He's actually the reason why I tuned in every week to begin with.

• Jackie - I think she improved quite a bit. I couldn't stand her character in the later seasons, especially the way she treated Fred (which, I'm assuming, doesn't exist in this revival).

• Darlene - Like Dan, she seems a little worn. Maybe it has something to do with Sara Gilbert trying to get back into character. It's like she's forgetting her lines with long pauses before responding.

• Becky - Wow, her voice has completely changed. It's as if she smokes a pack of cigarettes daily. Plus, that tattoo on her arm is unappealing. I get she was always the rebellious teenager, but I'm guessing it was Lecy Goranson's idea to have the ink. No opinion of Sarah Chalke since she's playing an entirely different character.

• DJ - I'm glad he's not the pain in the ass he used to be. He always seemed like such a spoiled brat. Serving in the U.S. Military did him good. Though, he really should have married that girl from the ninth season he shared a passion in filmmaking with. I suppose the writers are ignoring the last season and going with the one episode where he kissed a black classmate.

• Harris - Gah, I can't look at Emma Kenney without being reminded of "Shameless" (2011 - Present). Then again, her character fits perfectly within the show. She's essentially Darlene 2.0.

• Mark - Not really sure what to say. It gives the Connors an issue to tackle. Dan isn't really fond of homosexuals or people who dress awkwardly. At least he is willing to accept him for who he is.

We're only two out of nine episodes in. Not enough time to flesh out the characters and their backstories. They're probably saving a majority of it for the 12th season.


It was not the disaster I was thinking it would be.
I liked the idea of the old show, but I did not really watch it.
I agree with what you said.
I was bothered by all the stereotyped issues that are used as
comedy fodder ... such as the idea that masculinity is threatened.
But then the way things work out on the show is not a big deal,
but still the question is left hanging ... what happens away from
Hollywood? The issue of Trump is also pending. Up in the air, it
bothers me should the show veer towards Trump supporters, which
Roseanne is. She is also a real nutcase in her real like. An Alex
Jones subscriber and she has some pretty strange political ideas.
When you cannot cover a subject like that in depth and fairly it
should not be done. However, I am biased and if they started
dissing Trump like they should, I'd be delighted.
