She's just not funny

I think she tries way too hard. You're either funny or not, and like many female comics- she suffers from forcing her humor at you. Sex is not the only thing thats funny. But when you're a woman, thats the first thing you pull from your bra.

Tina Fey and Kristen Wiig. They're funny gals.


She was never funny and I didn't get her appeal. Her uncle is a high-ranking government official, so I imagine that pulls some strings in Hollywood. As for Wiig and Fey. Wiig has gotten better I think, whereas Fey is kind of done.


she is okay, but she got to where she is due to nepotism.


Agreed and unfortunately, that's about 90% of Hollywood today. I heard two of my co-workers talking recently, commenting on how bad the network shows were, how they were not well acted. My response to them, was basically what did they expect? Hollywood these days is full of model types that look good and are dumber than bricks. They can't think, much less act.


Agreed. There is not a lot of intellect in Hollywood anymore.


So where do you find your intellect these days?


Fey and Wigg are pretty good. Never really saw the appeal of Schumer though.



I've seen some of her skits on youtube. Some are actually very funny, but they're skits not spontaneous standup which I think a lot of comedic actors who are successful with film and TV are NOT very good at being.
