MovieChat Forums > Serenity (2019) Discussion > Would've been a good movie if it wasn't ...

Would've been a good movie if it wasn't for the dumb twist (Spoilers)

I mean the basic plot and setting is interesting enough on its own imo, i thought it was really intriguing seeing a down on his luck fisherman struggling to make money be tempted by his ex wife to murder her abusive husband for millions.

It didn't need this dumb twist that he's living in a virtual world created by his son on his computer. I don't know who would watch this and think that twist is good, just about anyone i could think of would think it was stupid and that it ruined the movie.


But this is what makes the movie unique, otherwise it would have been just a mediocre neo-noir thriller.


Its also what makes most people hate it, its got i don't know how many bad reviews on IMDB telling people to stay away, and its rated 5.1, so the twist while it makes it unique was its downfall and not well received by audiences and critics. Had it been a typical neo-noir thriller i'm sure it would have better reviews and ratings right now.


It was like 15 minutes into the movie and I'm like "they're in a friggin computer game." and the moment I saw the kids screen with the line of code and the fishing rod it confirmed my suspicions.

It's amazing how unnecessary the twist was.


Yeah thats another thing, they didn't really hide the twist that well either, it was obvious with it constantly showing the boy on his computer showing he was playing a fishing game.

The trailer is what the movie should have been, a straight forward thriller.


I agree. I initially thought that the husband was in on it too, and they were trying to frame MM for some kind of insurance fraud or something like that (with that weird lawyer guy creeping around). It would've been better with a showdown in the middle of the sea and a dark ending or MM coming out on top with some kind of epiphany & cash on top.

Instead we get this gay "It's all a game / inside some boy's imagination" BS.


Yeah THAT would've been a better twist if her husband was in on it and it was all a plan to screw MM's character over and benefit from it in some way.


The twist wasn't needed sure, but the movie is still better than a 5.


No, without the twist the movie is also bad. It's boring, the characters are ridiculous, the dialogue is stupid and cliché and there are too many unnecessary scenes. The twist is awful, but it does make the movie more memorable!


I've seen a lot of reviews pointing out the cliche dialogue and bad performances. I think that was intentional though since these characters and their decisions were supposed to have been created by a child. Maybe it wasn't intentional though. After all, we're also supposed to believe McConaughey's son worked it into his video game that his dad would have sex with Diane Lane for money and that he would include another part in his game where his parents had sex. Just a bizarre movie.

Come to think of it, the idea that Diane Lane needs to pay for sex should have been our first clue this movie wasn't based in reality.


I concur. I was hoping for something more along the lines of Body Heat and less The 13th Floor.

And, not only that, but the twist wasn't even really a twist. It's laid out pretty early in the movie.


It is. The opening shot zooms into what is obviously a young boy's eye. "It's all in his mind," I said to my wife. So, the later reveal of it being a game was spoiled at that point, even if it were a good twist.

Although, there was one scene that, at first, I thought might save the film for me. It's when Baker spills/pours that water onto the table, rubs his hand in it, and thinks he hears his son. At first, I thought they might have some kind of "ESP/water/father-son connection" type thing, and that would sort of explain the zoom into his eye at the beginning. This still wouldn't have been that great, but I would have like it more than the "it's a game" angle.


the twist is to provoke a deeper question:

"can a simulation reciprocate love ?"

this film is a smarter version of Her.


Totally agree my friend, totally agree. Being a film noir set in a shiny place was a strong concept on its own. I mean... I don't get it.


I also think this twist didn’t work well enough or satisfying enough. First of all, yeah, could see it coming and it wasn’t much of a twist. I was waiting for a big showdown on the boat instead. I think it would’ve been more interesting to see Jason Clark’s character realize he was stood up like a fool and then how he would retaliate. Big action scene with fists, guns and guts and maybe with a boat explosion for the finale would be more satisfying imho.
