MovieChat Forums > Spider-Man: Far from Home (2019) Discussion > there's 8 of them - what's your ranking....

there's 8 of them - what's your ranking...

i don't see a current ranking thread, & i'm fond of listing things myself.

so here's how i see things from best to least good:

into the spider-verse 5/5
spider-man 2 4.5
far from home 4
homecoming 4
spider-man 1 3.5
the amazing spider-man 3.5
spider-man 3 2.5
tasm 2 1.5

into the spider-verse is perhaps almost outside of this list, in that it's not fair to compare an animated film to its live-action counterparts. but it's by far my favourite spider-man film. i think it's extraordinary, exceptional, the best cbm so far & one of my favourite films of the century.

i haven't watched the 2nd raimi spider-man in a good length of time, so its 2nd place ranking is a touch tentative. i really, really liked far from home a great deal, thought it was just about a perfect representation of the character, thought the teen drama was better presented (compared to homecoming) & thought the action was much better than homecoming as well.

also, while i recognize that it is not great stuff, i still kinda love the 3rd raimi spider-man. it's fun & breezy if undeniably overstuffed, but i always have a good time when i watch it, & if i'm having a good time, then i can't say i hate it.

the only film i think is truly poor is asm2, a shame because i think garfield was fun in the first one. that said, i think holland is much better in the role - garfield was a bit too cool & a bit too good looking.


1. Spider-Man 2
2. Spider-Man
3. Homecoming
4. Far From Home
5. The Amazing Spider-Man
6. Into the Spider-Verse
7. Spider-Man 3
8. The Amazing Spider-Man 2


my god it never ends . Just think , they couldve made a proper film instead of yet more superhero shit ...
sorry, ignoreme , ill go now ..


1. Far From Home
2. Into the Spider-Verse
3. Homecoming
4. Spider-Man 2
5. Spider-Man
6. The Amazing Spider-Man
7. Spider-Man 3
8. The Amazing Spider-Man 2

That one mind-bending and tension-filled illusion Mysterio sequence in FFH alone, was everything that I ever wanted to see in a Spidey film. Not even the awe-inspiring Into the Spider-Verse literally made me go WOW like some of Far From Home’s sequences did. Hell, I’d say that Mysterio illusion attack rivals anything in Spider-Verse. As for the beloved Spider-Man 2? Sure, it remains a good one, but if you ask me (I know to some/plenty it will never be topped no matter what) the last two Spidey films give it a run for its money in every conceivable way. That’s right, and this is coming from someone who saw all the Raimi films in theaters — frankly, I’m over this Spider-Man 2 worship. Far From Home ftw!


01. Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse
02. Spider-Man 2
03. Spider-man: Far From Home
04. Spider-man: Homecoming
05: Spider-man 1
06. Spider-man 3
07. The Amazing Spider-Man
08. The Amazing Spider-man 2


I'm probably not a Great Judge of Spider-Man movies....because I've never liked any of Rami's SM they are all going to be low on my list, but its just my opinion, I recognize the first 2 are widely considered great, but for me personally I just didnt like them

Spider-Man: Homecoming-8.5/10
Spider-Man: Far From Home-8/10
Spider-Man Into The Spider-Verse-9/10
The Amazing Spider-Man 2-6/10(Literally so bad Its kinda Good)
The Amazing Spider-Man-7/10
Spider-Man 2-9/10(Overall Truly Great, I just absolutely cant stand Tobey Maguire in The role)
Spider-Man 3-6/10

I also worth Noting If were ranking All Spider-Man movie appearances my rankings would be-

Avengers Infinity War-9.5/10
Avengers Endgame-9.4/10
Civil War-9.3/10
Spider-Man: Homecoming-8.5/10
Spider-Man: Far From Home-8/10
Spider-Man Into The Spider-Verse-9/10
The Amazing Spider-Man 2-6/10(Literally so bad Its kinda Good)
The Amazing Spider-Man-7/10
Spider-Man 2-9/10(Overall Truly Great, I just absolutely cant stand Tobey Maguire in The role)
Spider-Man 3-6/10


Far From Home
Spider-man 1
Spider-man 2
The Amazing Spider-man
Spider-man 3
The Amazing Spider-man 2
Into the spiderverse - I know people praised this film but the animation, story and spiderham just didnt do it for me


My ranking and ratings:

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse 9/10
Spider-Man 2 8/10
Far From Home 8/10
Homecoming 8/10
Spider-Man 8/10
Spider-Man 3 8/10
The Amazing Spider-Man 8/10
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 8/10


Spiderman 2
The Amazing Spiderman

Amazing Spiderman 2

Spiderman 3

Haven't seen Far from Home yet, not that interested
